SubTitle19-13-F1_19-13-F6. The Public Health Code of the State of Connecticut  

Sec. 19-13-F1. Transportation on land and air conveyances of persons having communicable diseases
Latest version.

No person knowing or suspecting himself to be afflicted with any communicable disease shall apply for, procure or accept transportation on any land or air conveyance of a common carrier except in compliance with the interstate quarantine regulations of the United States Public Health Service and with the permission of the local director of health at the point of departure, and of the local director of health of the place of arrival if in Connecticut. No common carrier shall permit transportation of any person known or suspected to be afflicted with any communicable disease except in compliance with this section.

Sec. 19-13-F2. Sources of water furnished to land and air conveyances, terminals and yards
Latest version.

Water used for drinking and for other personal or domestic purposes on land and air conveyances of common carriers and their depots, coach yards, terminals, bus stations and airplane landing fields shall be of the quality prescribed by the drinking water standards of the United States Public Health Service and shall be secured only from supplies approved by the state department of health having jurisdiction.

Sec. 19-13-F3. Delivery of water and ice to land and air conveyances
Latest version.

Common carriers operating land and air conveyances and providing water and ice from approved supplies shall cause such water and ice to be handled from the source of supply to the delivery to consumers in such manner that the safety or sanitary quality of such water and ice shall not be impaired, and such water and ice shall be furnished in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) Water hydrants, taps or faucets shall be properly located, constructed and maintained to assure protection of approved drinking water against contamination.

(b) Hose lines used for the delivery of water from hydrants to conveyances shall be of satisfactory material, shall be properly handled and shall be used only for this purpose. Hose lines shall be flushed before delivery of water for use, shall be equipped with adequate protective devices and shall not be left in gutters. The hose when not in use shall not be left on the ground unless the ends are protected in a suitable housing; preferably the hose when not in use shall be drained and hung in special lockers or wound on reels provided for that purpose.

(c) Buckets used for the delivery of water from hydrants to conveyances shall be of satisfactory material and construction, shall be properly handled and shall be used only for this purpose. Such buckets shall be provided with tight-fitting complete covers which are kept closed when not in use, and buckets and covers shall be handled and stored so as to be protected against contamination. Buckets shall be thoroughly flushed with approved water each time before using.

(d) The methods of production, storage, delivery and use of ice for the cooling of drinking water or other beverages in connection with the operation of conveyances shall be carried out in a sanitary manner. Ice shall be secured from sources approved by the state department of health having jurisdiction.

Sec. 19-13-F4. Sanitation at terminals and yards
Latest version.

Places where land and air conveyances are serviced, such as depots, coach yards, terminals, bus stations and airplane landing fields, shall be provided with all sanitary facilities essential to the protection of public health, and such places and facilities shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) Equipment and facilities of adequate nature and extent shall be provided so that the handling of water, ice and foods and the cleaning of land and air conveyances shall be carried out under acceptable conditions.

(b) Satisfactory facilities for the storage and disposal of garbage and other refuse shall be provided.

(c) The use of water of unsafe, doubtful or unknown sanitary quality shall not be permitted for drinking and for other personal or domestic purposes in any coach yard, station, bus terminal, airplane field, hangar or room where land and air conveyances are serviced or maintained. Outlets for any such unapproved water shall be posted as ‘‘Unsafe to Drink.''

(d) Places or areas where land and air conveyances are serviced or handled, including the furnishing of water and food supplies, shall have satisfactory and adequately drained platforms or ground surfaces kept in good repair and in a clean condition.

(e) In places or areas where land and air conveyances are serviced, maintained, cleaned or occupied by passengers at a terminal or yard, operations shall be so conducted as to avoid fecal contamination of these areas. Where soil cans are used, they shall be of suitable material and provision shall be made for their proper cleaning, maintenance and storage. Disposal of their contents shall be in a sanitary manner, and She water system shall be protected against contamination during the cleaning operation.

(f) There shall be suitable facilities for the cleaning and flushing of removable water coolers and constant temperature bottles in instances where equipment of this type is in use, and cleaning and flushing shall be sufficiently frequent and thorough as to maintain water of good physical and bacteriological quality.

(g) There shall be available suitable equipment for the cleaning in a sanitary manner of water filters when used on land and air conveyances, and such filters shall be properly maintained.

(h) Satisfactory facilities and equipment shall be provided at places or areas where land and air conveyances are furnished with food and drink supplies so that these supplies may be properly protected, and such food and drink supplies shall be clean, wholesome and free from spoilage, and shall be so stored and prepared as to be safe for human consumption. Foods such as oysters, clams and milk products shall not be repacked from one container to another.

(i) Interior cleaning of all land and air conveyances shall be sufficiency frequent and thorough as to maintain such conveyances in a clean and sanitary condition. Suitable facilities shall be provided at the places or areas where land and air conveyances are cleaned and shall be such that cleaning operations can be carried out without causing insanitary conditions or creating industrial or safety hazards detrimental to the health of employees.

(j) There shall be adequate toilet, washroom, locker and other essential facilities in or adjacent to places or areas where land and air conveyances are serviced, maintained, cleaned or handled, for the use of the employees engaged in this work. At all stations and terminals of land and air conveyances where public waiting rooms are provided and tickets are sold, there shall be adequate toilet facilities for the use of both patrons and employees. If such station or terminal is located within three hundred feet of a public sewer, water-flush toilets shall be installed and permanently connected with such sewer and a wash basin or basins shall be located near the toilet and similarly connected. Toilets and lavatories shall be constantly furnished with an adequate supply of toilet paper, soap and free or pay clean towels. Toilets and other facilities set forth shall be separate for each of the two sexes and shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and in good working order at all times.

(k) Persons engaged in the servicing of land and air conveyances with water, foods or drinks shall wear clean outer garments or uniforms, overalls or aprons of washable material, which shall be laundered at frequent intervals, and shall clean their hands by washing with soap and hot water after using a toilet or urinal and directly before beginning their duties and at all other times when necessary so that their hands may be clean and their duties may be performed in a sanitary manner.

(l) No person shall work in the servicing of land and air conveyances with water, foods or drinks who is affected with any disease in a communicable form or is a carrier of such disease nor shall any such person or any person suspected of being affected with any disease in a communicable form or of being a carrier of such disease be employed. If the person having administrative direction of employees engaged in the handling of water, foods or drinks suspects that any employee has contracted any disease in a communicable form or has become a carrier of such disease, he shall immediately notify the local director of health. A placard containing this section shall be posted in all toilet rooms used by handlers of water, foods or drinks. When suspicion arises as to the possibility of transmission of infection from any person employed in the servicing of land and air conveyances with water, foods or drinks, the local director of health is authorized to require any or all of the following measures: (1) The immediate exclusion of the employee from the handling of water, foods or drinks, (2) the immediate closing of the public eating or drinking places concerned until no further danger of disease outbreak exists, in the opinion of the local director of health, (3) adequate medical examinations of the employee and of his associates, with such laboratory examinations as may be indicated.

(See Reg. 19-13-A23.)

Sec. 19-13-F5. Sanitary conditions of land and air conveyances
Latest version.

Sanitary conditions of all land and air conveyances, such as railway coaches, sleeping cars, dining cars, motor buses and airplanes, shall be such as not to facilitate the spread of communicable diseases and to this end such conveyances shall be maintained and operated in a satisfactory manner for the protection of health and in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) When toilet and lavatory facilities are provided on conveyances, they shall be properly located, constructed, equipped and maintained so as to insure cleanliness. Separate basins for brushing the teeth shall be provided in the wash rooms of sleeping cars.

(b) The discharge of fecal wastes, waste water or other polluting materials while any conveyance is at a station or terminal shall not be permitted unless proper devices, such as soil cans, garbage receptacles or connections to a sewer line, are used for the purposes for which provided. Toilets shall be kept locked at all times when a conveyance is at a standstill in a depot unless adequate watertight containers are used to receive such fecal wastes and unless proper measures are taken for the sanitary disposal of such wastes and for the cleaning of the containers.

(c) There shall be no discharge from any conveyances of fecal wastes, garbage, waste water or other polluting materials while any such conveyance is passing through or over (1) a public water supply watershed or (2) an approved area from which shellfish for domestic consumption are obtained. The limits of areas of watersheds and shellfish-producing areas within which discharges are prohibited and toilets are required to be kept locked under the provisions of this section shall be as established by the state department of health in cooperation with the U. S. Public Health Service. Under all conditions when a conveyance is en route, garbage shall be held in covered metal containers until such material can be satisfactorily disposed of at a point of stop-over.

(d) Conveyances when in transit or operation shall be kept clean and sanitary, free of dirt, odors, rodents, flies and other insects. Cleaning of conveyances while occupied shall be limited to the minimum consistent with the maintenance of clean conditions and shall be carried out so as to cause the least possible raising of dust or other annoyance to passengers; cleaning by dry sweeping or dry dusting shall be avoided while the conveyance is occupied by passengers.

(e) All conveyances shall be so ventilated as to insure an adequate supply of fresh or conditioned air at all times while in service and shall be so heated in cold weather as to maintain comfort.

(f) Facilities and equipment for the furnishing of food and drink supplies on conveyances shall be such that these supplies are properly protected. Such food and drink supplies shall be clean, wholesome and free from spoilage, and shall be so stored, prepared and served as to be safe for human consumption.

Sec. 19-13-F6. Water supply on land and air conveyances
Latest version.

Equipment on land and air conveyances for the storage and distribution of water used for drinking and for other personal or domestic purposes shall be such as to provide for the delivery of water of safe and sanitary quality, and shall be in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) The water system, either of the pressure or gravity type, on any conveyance shall preferably be complete and closed from the filling ends to the discharge taps and in no case shall be so operated as to admit contamination. Such system shall be of adequate capacity for maximum requirements and shall be so constructed as to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Water of like approved quality shall be supplied for all purposes: Drinking, culinary, washing and toilet-flushing. The storage tanks shall be flushed periodically with water from an approved supply.

(b) In new equipment on railway conveyances there shall be filling pipes or connections for supplying the water tanks on both sides of the conveyance so that the sanitary quality of the water may not be impaired by inadequate equipment or facilities. Filling pipe connections shall be so located and constructed as to provide for protection against contamination. The end of the filling pipe shall be flushed with water from an approved supply before attachment of a hose.

(c) Coolers for water on conveyances shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times and shall be so designed and constructed that the water cooled for drinking purposes shall be chilled in such manner that the ice or refrigerant cannot come in contact with the water. A supply of single service cups protected against contamination shall be available at all water coolers or chilled water faucets unless coolers are equipped with drinking fountains of an approved type.

(d) Where water filters are employed on conveyances, they shall be so designed and operated as not to introduce any pollution hazard to the drinking water supply.

(e) There shall not be provided for drinking water purposes on any conveyance any cup, glass or any other container which may be used by more than one person unless such cup, glass or container shall have been thoroughly cleansed and subjected to bactericidal treatment after each individual use, in the manner prescribed in subsection (i) of section 19-13-B42 for utensils used hi the preparation and serving of food and drink.

(f) Bottles or containers of a constant temperature type which are used on conveyances for the storage and dispensing of drinking and culinary water or foods shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times. Ice for cooling shall not be placed in contact with water in such bottles or containers either on the conveyance or when they are filled preparatory to being placed on the conveyance.