Sec.8-37y-8. Evaluation  

Latest version.
  • Applications shall be evaluated and therefore approved or disapproved by the Commissioner based on the following:

    (1) Any priorities established in the State Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, or any needs outlined in the Five Year Housing Advisory Plan adopted by the Department, if applicable;

    (2) Any governing policies identified in the Department's Description/Rules of Operations;

    (3) Local housing assistance plans or Local Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, if in existence;

    (4) Any other statistical data on housing need and marketability;

    (5) Whether the proposed financing for the development of the property includes leveraging of other funds;

    (6) Compliance with DOH design standards for rental housing or those design standards established by the governmental program providing the construction financing;

    (7) Compliance with Connecticut Housing Finance Authority's design standards for non-rental housing or those design standards established by the governmental program providing the construction financing;

    (8) The ability of the proposed development to fit within the existing community design;

    (9) Cost effectiveness including administrative costs;

    (10) The developer's timetable for completion of the development;

    (11) The number of units as determined by the Commissioner;

    (12) The methods used to ensure long term affordability and the duration of affordability;

    (13) The developer's evidence of preliminary or firm commitments for development financing from acceptable financial institutions; and

    (14) Compliance with Department affirmative action requirements.

(Effective November 26, 1993)