SubTitle26-306-1_26-306-7. Endangered and Threatened Species, and Species of Special Concern

Sec. 26-306-1. Definitions
Latest version.

(a) For the purposes of sections 26-306-1 through 26-306-7 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies:

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.

"Extirpated" means to be extinct or not known to have occurred in Connecticut since 1980.

"Nonharvested wildlife" means any species of wildlife with respect to which taking is not allowed pursuant to chapter 490 of the General Statutes or regulations promulgated thereunder.

"Species Advisory Committee" means a committee of experts in biology appointed by the Commissioner to review and give advice to the Commissioner on proposed listings or delistings of endangered and threatened species, and species of special concern pursuant to sections 26-306-3 and 26-306-7 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(b) For the purposes of sections 26-306-1 through 26-306-7 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the following terms shall be defined as they are defined in section 26-304 of the General Statutes: Department, conserve and conservation, wildlife, plants, native, species, endangered species, threatened species, species of special concern, Endangered Species Act, take or taking, essential habitat, destruction or adverse modification of essential habitat, threaten the continued existence, and occurrence.

(Effective March 23, 1992)

Sec. 26-306-2. Procedure for determining whether any species is endangered, threatened or of special concern
Latest version.

In determining whether any species is endangered, threatened or of special concern, the Department shall:

(a) Develop, pursuant to sections 26-306-2 and 26-306-3 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies and any other applicable provisions of law, proposed lists of species which are endangered, threatened or of special concern;

(b) Establish a Species Advisory Committee;

(c) Submit proposed species lists developed under subsection (a) of this section to the Species Advisory Committee for review and comment;

(d) Consider but not be bound by the comments of the Species Advisory Committee in determining whether to include any species on the list of endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern, or to delete any species from any such list; and

(e) Determine, pursuant to any applicable provisions of law, whether to include any species on the list of endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern, or whether to delete any species from any such list.

(Effective March 23, 1992)

Sec. 26-306-3. Criteria for determining whether any species is endangered, threatened, or of special concern
Latest version.

A species shall be considered for listing as an endangered species, threatened species, or a species of special concern if:

(1) It is a wild mammal, bird, amphibian, reptile, fish, plant or invertebrate;

(2) Individuals of such species reside, or, for species of special concern, have resided in the past, in Connecticut for a portion of their life cycle; and

(3) It is an endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern as those terms are defined by section 26-304 of the General Statutes.

(Effective March 23, 1992)

Sec. 26-306-4. List of endangered species
Latest version.

(a) The following mammal species are determined to be endangered:

Cryptotis parva

Least shrew

Myotis leibii

Eastern small-footed bat

Myotis lucifugus

Little brown bat

Myotis septentrionalis

Northern long-eared bat

Myotis sodalis

Indiana bat

Perimyotis subflavus

Tri-colored bat

(b) The following bird species are determined to be endangered:

Accipiter striatus

Sharp-shinned hawk

Ammodramus savannarum

Grasshopper sparrow

Asio otus

Long-eared owl

Bartramia longicauda

Upland sandpiper

Botaurus lentiginosus

American bittern

Chordeiles minor

Common nighthawk

Circus cyaneus

Cistothorus platensis

Northern harrier

Sedge wren

Eremophila alpestris

Horned lark

Gallinula chloropus

Common moorhen

Icteria virens

Yellow-breasted chat

Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Red-headed woodpecker

Podilymbus podiceps

Pied-billed grebe

Pooecetes gramineus

Vesper sparrow

Rallus elegans

King rail

(nesting population only)

Sterna dougallii

Roseate tern

Tyto alba

Barn owl

Vermivora chrysoptera

Golden-winged warbler

(c) The following reptile species are determined to be endangered:

Crotalus horridus

Timber rattlesnake

Dermochelys coriacea


Glyptemys muhlenbergii

Bog turtle

Lepidochelys kempii

Atlantic ridley

(d) The following amphibian species are determined to be endangered:

Ambystoma laterale

Blue-spotted salamander

(diploid populations)

Scaphiopus holbrookii

Eastern spadefoot

(e) The following fish species are determined to be endangered:

Acipenser brevirostrum

Shortnose sturgeon

Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus

Atlantic sturgeon

Lethenteron appendix

American brook lamprey

Lota lota


Osmerus mordax

Rainbow smelt

(anadromous populations only)

(f) The following invertebrate species are determined to be endangered:

Alasmidonta heterodon

Dwarf wedgemussel

Alasmidonta varicosa

Brook floater

Amblyscirtes vialis

Common roadside skipper

Anarta luteola

Noctuid moth

Apodrepanulatrix liberaria

New Jersey tea inchworm

Calephelis borealis

Northern metalmark

Callophrys hesseli

Hessel’s hairstreak

Catocala herodias gerhardi

Herodias underwing

Celastrina neglectamajor

Appalachian blue

Chytonix sensilis

Barrens Chytonix

Cicindela lepida

Cicindela puritana

Dune ghost tiger beetle

Puritan tiger beetle

Epeoloides pilosula

Macropis cuckoo

Erynnis lucilius

Columbine duskywing

Erynnis persius persius

Persius duskywing

Eubaphe meridiana

Little beggar

Eubranchipus holmanii

Fairy shrimp

Euphyes bimacula

Two-spotted skipper

Grammia phyllira

Phyllira tiger moth

Grammia speciosa

Bog tiger moth

Haematopota rara

Lace-winged horse fly

Hemileuca maia maia

Barrens buck moth

Hybomitra longiglossa

Horse fly

Lampsilis cariosa

Yellow lampmussel

Magicicada septendecula

Little 17-year periodical cicada

Papaipema leucostigma

Columbine borer

Papaipema marginidens

Brick-red borer moth

Phyllonorycter ledella

Labrador tea tentiform leafminer

Schinia gracilenta

Slender flower moth

Speyeria atlantis

Atlantis fritillary butterfly

Tibicen auletes

Northern dusk-singing cicada

Williamsonia lintneri

Ringed boghaunter

Zale curema

Black-eyed zale

(g) The following plant species are determined to be endangered:

Abies balsamea

Balsam fir

(native populations only)

Agalinis acuta

Sandplain agalinis

Agastache nepetoides

Yellow giant hyssop

Agastache scrophulariifolia

Purple giant hyssop

Ageratina aromatica

Small white snakeroot

Angelica lucida

Sea-coast angelica

Arceuthobium pusillum

Dwarf mistletoe

Aristida purpurascens


Aristida tuberculosa

Beach needle grass

Asclepias viridiflora

Green milkweed

Bidens eatonii

Eaton’s beggarticks

Bouteloua curtipendula

Sideoats grama-grass

Carex alata

Broadwing sedge

Carex backii

Back’s sedge

Carex barrattii

Barratt's sedge

Carex buxbaumii

Brown bog sedge

Carex castanea

Chestnut-colored sedge

Carex exilis

Meager sedge

Carex magellanica

Boreal bog sedge

Carex polymorpha

Variable sedge

Carex pseudocyperus

Cyprus-like sedge

Carex reznicekii

Reznicek’s sedge

Carex schweinitzii

Schweinitz's sedge

Carex viridula

Little green sedge

Carex willdenowii

Willdenow's sedge

Castilleja coccinea

Indian paintbrush

Chamaelirium luteum


Cheilanthes lanosa

Hairy lip-fern

Cirsium horridulum

Yellow thistle

Coeloglossum viride

Long-bracted green orchid

Crassula aquatica


Cryptogramma stelleri

Slender cliff-brake

Cypripedium reginae

Showy lady's-slipper

Desmodium cuspidatum

Large-bracted tick-trefoil

Dichanthelium scabriusculum

Tall swamp rosette-panicgrass

Diplazium pycnocarpon

Narrow-leaved glade fern

Dryopteris campyloptera

Mountain wood-fern

Echinodorus tenellus


Eleocharis equisetoides

Horsetail spikesedge

Eleocharis quadrangulata var. crassior

Square-stemmed spikesedge

Equisetum pratense

Meadow horsetail

Equisetum scirpoides

Dwarf scouring rush

Eriocaulon parkeri

Parker's pipewort

Eupatorium album

White thoroughwort

Eurybia radula

Rough aster

Floerkea proserpinacoides

False mermaid-weed

Galium labradoricum

Bog bedstraw

Gentianella quinquefolia

Stiff gentian

Hudsonia ericoides


Hydrastis canadensis


Hydrocotyle umbellata

Water pennywort

Hydrocotyle verticillata

Whorled pennywort

Isotria medeoloides

Small whorled pogonia

Lachnanthes caroliniana

Carolina redroot

(native populations only)

Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis

Saltpond grass

Ligusticum scoticum

Scotch lovage

Linnaea borealis ssp. americana


Linum sulcatum

Yellow flax

Liparis liliifolia

Lily-leaved twayblade

Ludwigia sphaerocarpa

Globe-fruited false-loosestrife

Lycopodiella alopecuroides

Foxtail clubmoss

Lythrum alatum

Winged loosestrife

Malaxis brachypoda

White adder's-mouth

Malaxis unifolia

Green adder's-mouth

Milium effusum

Tall millet-grass

Minuartia glabra

Mountain sandwort

Moehringia macrophylla

Large-leaved sandwort

Moneses uniflora

One-flower wintergreen

Muhlenbergia capillaris

Long-awn hairgrass

Myriophyllum alterniflorum

Slender water-milfoil

Myriophyllum pinnatum

Cutleaf water-milfoil

Oclemena nemoralis

Bog aster

Oligoneuron album

Prairie goldenrod

Oligoneuron rigidum

Stiff goldenrod

Onosmodium virginianum


Ophioglossum pusillum

Northern adder’s-tongue

Ophioglossum vulgatum

Southern adder’s-tongue

Packera anonyma

Small’s ragwort

Packera paupercula

Balsam groundsel

Pellaea glabella

Smooth cliff-brake

Pinus resinosa

Red pine

(native populations only)

Piptatherum pungens

Slender mountain ricegrass

Pityopsis falcata

Sickle-leaved golden aster

Platanthera blephariglottis

White-fringed orchid

Platanthera ciliaris

Yellow-fringed orchid

Polygala cruciata

Field milkwort

Polygala senega

Seneca snakeroot

Polymnia canadensis

Small-flowered leafcup

Potamogeton confervoides

Tuckerman’s pondweed

Potamogeton friesii

Fries' pondweed

Potamogeton hillii

Hill's pondweed

Potamogeton ogdenii

Ogden's pondweed

Potamogeton strictifolius

Straight-leaved pondweed

Pycnanthemum torrei

Torrey mountain-mint

Ranunculus ambigens

Water-plantain spearwort

Ranunculus cymbalaria

Seaside crowfoot

Rhynchospora capillacea

Needle beaksedge

Rhynchospora scirpoides

Long-beaked beaksedge

Ribes triste

Swamp red currant

Rubus dalibarda


Sabatia stellaris

Marsh pink

Sagittaria cuneata

Northern arrowhead

Sagittaria teres

Quill-leaved arrowhead

Salix exigua

Sandbar willow

Salix pedicellaris

Bog willow

Saururus cernuus

Lizard's tail

Scheuchzeria palustris ssp. americana

Pod grass

Scleria pauciflora var. caroliniana

Few-flowered nutrush

Scleria reticularis

Reticulated nutrush

Scleria triglomerata

Whip nutrush

Scutellaria integrifolia

Hyssop skullcap

Scutellaria parvula var. missouriensis

Small skullcap

Senecio suaveolens

Sweet-scented Indian-plantain

Sparganium fluctuans

Floating bur-reed

Sparganium natans

Small bur-reed

Sporobolus clandestinus

Rough dropseed

Sporobolus heterolepis

Northern dropseed

Sporobolus neglectus

Small dropseed

Stachys hyssopifolia

Hyssop-leaf hedge-nettle

Taenidia integerrima

Yellow pimpernel

Trichostema brachiatum

False pennyroyal

Triosteum angustifolium

Narrow-leaved horse gentian

Triphora trianthophora

Nodding pogonia

Trisetum spicatum

Narrow false oats

Utricularia resupinata

Resupinate bladderwort

Uvularia grandiflora

Large-flowered bellwort

Vaccinium myrtilloides

Velvetleaf blueberry

Viola adunca

Hook-spurred violet

Viola brittoniana

Coast violet

Viola renifolia

Kidney-leaf white violet

Waldsteinia fragarioides

Barren strawberry

Xyris smalliana

Small's yellow-eyed

Zizia aptera

Golden Alexanders

(Effective March 23, 1992; Amended March 4, 1998; Amended May 31, 2001; Amended June 3, 2004; Amended July 1, 2010; Amended August 7, 2015)

Sec. 26-306-5. List of threatened species
Latest version.

(a) The following mammal species are determined to be threatened:


(b) The following bird species are determined to be threatened:

Accipiter gentilis

Northern goshawk

Ammodramus maritimus

Seaside sparrow

Ardea alba

Great egret

Asio flammeus

Short-eared owl

(wintering populations)

Charadrius melodus

Piping plover

Egretta thula

Snowy egret

Falco peregrinus

Peregrine falcon

Haematopus palliatus

American oystercatcher

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Bald eagle

Ixobrychus exilis

Least bittern

Sturnella magna

Eastern meadowlark

Sternula antillarum

Least tern

(c) The following reptile species are determined to be threatened:

Caretta caretta


Chelonia mydas

Atlantic green turtle

Plestiodon fasciatus

Five-lined skink

(d) The following amphibian species are determined to be threatened:

Gyrinophilus porphyriticus

Northern spring salamander

Plethodon glutinosus

Northern slimy salamander

(e) The following fish species are determined to be threatened:

(f) The following invertebrate species are determined to be threatened:

Abagrotis nefascia benjamini

Coastal heathland cutworm

Anthopotamus verticis

Tusked sprawler

Apamea inordinata

Apamea moth

Atylotus ohioensis

Tabanid fly

Bombus terricola

Yellow-banded bumble bee

Callophrys irus

Frosted elfin

Calopteryx dimidiata

Sparkling jewelwing

Cicindela tranquebarica

Dark-bellied tiger beetle

Cordulegaster erronea

Tiger spiketail

Dargida rubripennis

Pink streak

Drasteria graphica atlantica

False heather underwing

Enallagma doubledayi

Atlantic bluet

Enallagma recurvatum

Pine barrens bluet

Erynnis brizo

Sleepy duskywing

Euchlaena madusaria

Scrub euchlaena

Eucosma morrisoni

Morrison’s mosaic

Eumacaria latiferrugata

Brown-bordered geometer

Exyra fax

Pitcher plant moth

Gomphus descriptus

Harpoon clubtail

Gomphus fraternus

Midland clubtail

Gomphus quadricolor

Rapids clubtail

Hemaris gracilis

Slender clearwing

Hetaerina americana

American rubyspot

Hybomitra trepida

Horse fly

Hybomitra typhus

Horse fly

Lapara coniferarum

Southern pine sphinx

Leucorrhinia glacialis

Crimson-ringed whiteface

Merycomyia whitneyi

Tabanid fly

Papaipema appassionata

Pitcher plant borer

Papaipema duovata

Seaside goldenrod stem borer

Paraleptophlebia assimilis


Phaneta clavana

Lanced phaneta

Progomphus obscurus

Common sanddragon

Psectraglaea carnosa

Pink sallow

Pyrrhia aurantiago

Aureolaria seed borer

Schinia septentrionalis

Northern flower moth

Somatochlora georgiana

Coppery emerald

Speranza exonerata

Barrens itame

Stylurus amnicola

Riverine clubtail

Sympistis dentata

Toothed apharetra moth

Tabanus fulvicallus

Horse fly

Thaumatopsis edonis

Zanclognatha martha

Grassland thaumatopsis

Pine barrens zanclognatha

Zanclognatha theralis

Noctuid moth

(g) The following plant species are determined to be threatened:

Alopecurus aequalis

Short-awned meadow-foxtail

Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla

Bog rosemary

Anemone canadensis

Canada anemone

Asplenium ruta-muraria

Wallrue spleenwort

Betula pumila

Swamp birch

Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa

Reed bentgrass

Carex alopecoidea

Foxtail sedge

Carex crawei

Crawe's sedge

Carex cumulata

Clustered sedge

Carex davisii

Davis' sedge

Carex limosa

Mud sedge

Corydalis flavula

Yellow corydalis

Eriophorum vaginatum var. spissum

Hare's tail

Eurybia spectabilis

Showy aster

Gaylussacia bigeloviana

Dwarf huckleberry

Houstonia longifolia

Longleaf bluet

Hudsonia tomentosa

Woolly beach-heather

Ilex glabra


(native populations only)

Krigia biflora

Two-flowered cynthia

Lipocarpha micrantha

Dwarf bulrush

Maianthemum trifolium

Three-leaved false Solomon’s-seal

Myriophyllum sibiricum

Northern water-milfoil

Panicum amarum var. amarum

Bitter panicgrass

Paspalum laeve

Field paspalum

Pedicularis lanceolata

Swamp lousewort

Petasites frigidus var. palmatus

Sweet coltsfoot

Polygala nuttallii

Nuttall’s milkwort

Populus heterophylla

Swamp cottonwood

Potamogeton gemmiparus

Capillary pondweed

Potamogeton vaseyi

Vasey's pondweed

Rhododendron groenlandicum

Labrador tea

Rhynchospora macrostachya

Tall beaksedge

Rotala ramosior


Schoenoplectus acutus

Hard-stemmed bulrush

Schoenoplectus torreyi

Torrey bulrush

Senna hebecarpa

Wild senna

Sibbaldiopsis tridentata

Three-toothed cinquefoil

Silene stellata

Starry campion

Spergularia canadensis

Canada sand-spurry

Sporobolus cryptandrus

Sand dropseed

Stachys hispida

Hispid hedge-nettle

Streptopus amplexifolius

White mandarin

Thuja occidentalis

Northern white cedar

(native populations only)

Trollius laxus

Spreading globe flower

Viburnum prunifolium

Smooth black-haw

Xyris montana

Northern yellow-eyed grass

(Effective March 23, 1992; Amended March 4, 1998; Amended June 3, 2004; Amended July 1, 2010; Amended August 7, 2015)

Sec. 26-306-6. List of species of special concern
Latest version.

(a) The following mammal species are determined to be species of special concern:

*Canis lupus

Gray wolf

Lasionycteris noctivagans

Silver-haired bat

Lasiurus borealis

Red bat

Lasiurus cinereus

Hoary bat

*Neotoma magister

Eastern woodrat

Phocoena phocoena ssp.phocoena

Harbor porpoise

*Puma concolor couguar

Eastern cougar

Synaptomys cooperi

Southern bog lemming

*Believed Extirpated

(b) The following bird species are determined to be species of special concern:

Aegolius acadicus

Northern saw-whet owl

Ammodramus caudacutus

Saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow

*Ammodramus henslowii

Henslow's sparrow

Buteo platypterus

Broad-winged hawk

Caprimulgus vociferus


Dolichonyx oryzivorus


Egretta caerulea

Little blue heron

Empidonax alnorum

Alder flycatcher

Falco sparverius

American kestrel

Gavia immer

Common loon

*Numenius borealis

Eskimo curlew

Nyctanassa violacea

Yellow-crowned night-heron

Passerculus sandwichensis

Savannah sparrow

Passerculus sandwichensis ssp. princeps

Ipswich sparrow

(wintering population)

Plegadis falcinellus

Glossy ibis

Progne subis

Purple martin

Setophaga americana

Northern parula

Setophaga cerulea

Cerulean warbler

Sterna hirundo

Common tern

Toxostoma rufum

Brown thrasher

*Believed Extirpated

(c) The following reptile species are determined to be species of special concern:

Clemmys guttata

Spotted turtle

Glyptemys insculpta

Wood turtle

Heterodon platirhinos

Eastern hognose snake

Malaclemys terrapin terrapin

Northern diamondback terrapin

Opheodrys vernalis

Smooth green snake

Terrapene carolina carolina

Eastern box turtle

Thamnophis sauritus

Eastern ribbon snake

(d) The following amphibian species are determined to be species of special concern:

Ambystoma jeffersonianum

Jefferson salamander "complex"

Ambystoma laterale

Blue-spotted salamander "complex"

Necturus maculosus


Rana pipiens

Northern leopard frog

(e) The following fish species are determined to be species of special concern:

Alosa aestivalis

Blueback herring

Carcharias taurus

Sand tiger shark

Catostomus catostomus

Longnose sucker

Cottus cognatus

Slimy sculpin

Enneacanthus obesus

Banded sunfish

Liparis atlanticus

Atlantic seasnail

Notropis bifrenatus

Bridle shiner

Ulvaria subbifurcata

Radiated shanny

(f) The following invertebrate species are determined to be species of special concern:

*Acronicta albarufa

Barrens dagger moth

Acronicta falcula

Corylus dagger moth

Acronicta fragilis

Fragile dagger moth

*Acronicta lanceolaria

Pointed dagger moth

Agonum darlingtoni

Ground beetle

Agonum mutatum

Ground beetle

Agrotis stigmosa

Spotted dart moth

Amara chalcea

Ground beetle

Apamea lintneri

Sand wainscot moth

Argyrostrotis anilis

Short-lined chocolate

Badister transversus

Ground beetle

Bembidion carinula

Ground beetle

Bembidion lacunarium

Ground beetle

Bembidion planum

Ground beetle

Bembidion pseudocautum

Ground beetle

Bembidion quadratulum

Ground beetle

Bembidion semicinctum

Ground beetle

Bembidion simplex

Ground beetle

*Bombus affinis

Rusty-patched bumble bee

*Bombus ashtoni

Ashton’s cuckoo bumble bee

Brachinus cyanipennis

Bombardier beetle

Brachinus fumans

Bombardier beetle

Brachinus medius

Bombardier beetle

Brachinus ovipennis

Bombardier beetle

Brachinus patruelis

Bombardier beetle

Callophrys henrici

Henry's elfin

*Callophrys polios

Hoary elfin

Cambarus bartonii

Common crayfish

Carabus serratus

Ground beetle

Carabus vinctus

Ground beetle

Catocala badia badia

Bay underwing moth

*Catocala pretiosa pretiosa

Precious underwing moth

Chaetaglaea cerata

Waxed sallow

*Chlosyne harrisii

Harris’ checkerspot

*Chlosyne nycteis

Silvery checkerspot

*Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis

Northeastern beach tiger beetle

Cicindela formosa generosa

Big sand tiger beetle

Cicindela hirticollis

Hairy-necked tiger beetle

Cicindela marginata

Saltmarsh tiger beetle

*Cicindela purpurea

Purple tiger beetle

*Citheronia regalis

Regal moth

Coccinella novemnotata

Nine-spotted lady beetle

Crangonyx aberrans

Mystic Valley amphipod

*Cucullia speyeri

Speyer’s paint

Derrima stellata

Pink star moth

Dichagyris acclivis

Noctuid moth

Digrammia equivocata

Equivocal looper

*Drasteria occulta

Drasteria moth

Eacles imperialis imperialis

Imperial moth

Enallagma daeckii

Attenuated bluet

Enallagma minusculum

Little bluet

Enallagma pictum

Scarlet bluet

Erynnis horatius

Horace's duskywing

*Erynnis martialis

Mottled duskywing

*Eulimnadia agassizii

Clam shrimp

Euphyes dion

Sedge skipper

Euxoa pleuritica

Fawn brown dart moth

Euxoa violaris

Violet dart moth

Fagitana littera

Marsh fern moth

*Fossaria galbana

Boreal fossaria

Fossaria rustica

Lymnaeid snail

Geopinus incrassatus

Ground beetle

*Glena cognataria

Blueberry gray moth

Gomphus adelphus

Mustached clubtail

Gomphus vastus

Cobra clubtail

Gomphus ventricosus

Skillet clubtail

Goniops chrysocoma

Horse fly

Gyraulus circumstriatus

Disc Gyro

Harpalus caliginosus

Ground beetle

Harpalus erraticus

Ground beetle

Helluomorphoides praeustus bicolor

Ground beetle

Hybomitra frosti

Horse fly

Hybomitra lurida

Horse fly

*Hydraecia immanis

Hop vine borer moth

Hyparpax aurora

Pink prominent

Ladona deplanata

Blue corporal dragonfly

Leptodea ochracea

Tidewater mucket

Lethe eurydice

Eyed brown

Ligumia nasuta

Eastern pondmussel

Lithophane lemmeri

Lemmer's noctuid moth

Lithophane viridipallens

Pale green pinion moth

Lomamyia flavicornis

Yellow-horned beaded lacewing

*Lordithon niger

Black lordithon rove beetle

Loxandrus vulneratus

Ground beetle

Lycaena epixanthe

Bog copper

Lycaena hyllus

Bronze copper

Macropis ciliata

Fringed loosestrife oil-bee

Margaritifera margaritifera

Eastern pearlshell

Melitara prodenialis

Eastern cactus-boring moth

Meropleon ambifuscum

Newman's brocade

Metarranthis apiciaria

Barrens metarranthis moth

*Mixogaster johnsoni

Syrphid fly

Nebria lacustris lacustris

Ground beetle

*Nicrophorus americanus

American burying beetle

*Papaipema circumlucens

Hops-stalk borer moth

*Papaipema maritima

Maritime sunflower borer moth

*Papaipema sciata

Culvers root borer moth

Parasa indetermina

Stinging rose caterpillar moth

Photedes inops

Spartina borer moth

Pomatiopsis lapidaria

Slender walker

*Pyreferra ceromatica

Annointed sallow moth

Scaphinotus viduus

Ground beetle

Schinia spinosae

Apinose flower moth

*Sideridis maryx

Maroonwing moth

Somatochlora elongata

Ski-tailed emerald

*Speyeria idalia

Regal fritillary

Sphodros niger

Purse web spider

Stagnicola catascopium

Woodland pondsnail

Stonemyia isabellina

Tabanid fly

Stygobromus tenuis tenuis

Piedmont groundwater amphipod

Sympistis perscripta

Scribbled sallow moth

Sympistis riparia

Synurella chamberlaini

Dune Sympistis

Coastal pond amphipod

Valvata sincera

Boreal turret snail

Valvata tricarinata

Turret snail

Zale obliqua

Oblique zale

*Zale submediana

Gray spring zale

*Believed Extirpated

(g) The following plant species are determined to be species of special concern:

Acalypha virginica

Virginia copperleaf

*Amaranthus pumilus

Sea-beach amaranth

Anemone acutiloba

Sharp-lobed hepatica

*Angelica venenosa

Hairy angelica

*Antennaria howellii ssp. petaloidea

Field pussytoes

*Aplectrum hyemale


*Arethusa bulbosa


Aristida longespica var. geniculata


Asclepias purpurascens

Purple milkweed

*Asclepias variegata

White milkweed

Asplenium montanum

Mountain spleenwort

Atriplex glabriuscula

Bracted orache

Bidens beckii

Beck’s water-marigold

*Blephilia ciliata

Downy wood-mint

*Blephilia hirsuta

Hairy wood-mint

Bolboschoenus maritimus ssp. paludosus

Bayonet grass

Bolboschoenus novae-angliae

Salt marsh bulrush

*Botrychium simplex

Little grape fern

*Calystegia silvatica

Short-stalked false bindweed

*Calystegia spithamaea

Low bindweed

Cardamine douglassii

Purple cress

Carex aestivalis

Summer sedge

Carex aquatilis ssp. altior

Water sedge

Carex bushii

Bush’s sedge

*Carex collinsii

Collins’ sedge

*Carex crawfordii

Crawford sedge

Carex foenea

Bronze sedge

Carex formosa

Handsome sedge

Carex hitchcockiana

Hitchcock's sedge

Carex molesta

Troublesome sedge

*Carex nigromarginata

Black-edge sedge

Carex novae-angliae

New England sedge

Carex oligocarpa

Eastern few-fruited sedge

*Carex oligosperma

Few-seeded sedge

*Carex pauciflora

Few-flowered sedge

Carex prairea

Prairie sedge

Carex sterilis

Dioecious sedge

Carex trichocarpa

Hairy-fruited sedge

Carex tuckermanii

Tuckerman's sedge

Carex typhina

Cattail sedge

Celastrus scandens

American bittersweet

*Chenopodium rubrum

Red goosefoot

*Coleataenia longifolia ssp. elongata

Long-leaved redtop-panicgrass

Corallorhiza trifida

Early coral root

*Crocanthemum dumosum

Bushy frostweed

Crocanthemum propinquum

Low frostweed

*Crotonopsis elliptica

Elliptical rushfoil

*Cuphea viscosissima

Blue waxweed

*Cuscuta coryli

Hazel dodder

*Cynoglossum virginianum

Wild comfrey

*Cypripedium arietinum

Ram's-head lady's-slipper

Cypripedium parviflorum

Yellow lady's-slipper

Deschampsia cespitosa

Tufted hairgrass

Desmodium glabellum

Dillenius' tick-trefoil

*Desmodium sessilifolium

Sessile-leaf tick-trefoil

Dicentra canadensis

Squirrel corn

*Dichanthelium ovale ssp.

Stiff-leaved rosette-panicgrass


*Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon var.

Round-fruited rosette-panicgrass


*Dichanthelium xanthophysum

Pale-leaved rosette-panicgrass

*Doellingeria infirma

Appalachian white-aster

Draba reptans


*Drosera filiformis

Thread-leaf sundew

Drymocallis arguta

Tall cinquefoil

Dryopteris goldiana

Goldie's fern

*Eleocharis microcarpa var. filiculmis

Small-fruited spikesedge

Elymus wiegandii

Wiegand's wild rye

Endodeca serpentaria

Virginia snakeroot

*Equisetum palustre

Marsh horsetail

*Gamochaeta purpurea

Purple cudweed

Gaultheria hispidula

Creeping snowberry

*Geranium bicknellii

Bicknell's northern crane's-bill

*Goodyera repens var. ophioides

Dwarf rattlesnake plantain

*Heteranthera reniformis

Kidneyleaf mud-plantain

Honckenya peploides

Seabeach sandwort

Hottonia inflata


*Huperzia appressa

Fir clubmoss

*Hybanthus concolor

Green violet

Hydrophyllum virginianum

Virginia waterleaf

*Hypericum adpressum

Creeping St. John's-wort

Hypericum ascyron

Great St. John's-wort

*Juncus debilis

Weak rush

*Lechea racemulosa

Illinois pinweed

Lespedeza repens

Creeping bush-clover

Liatris novae-angliae

New England blazing-star

Lilaeopsis chinensis


Limosella australis


*Linum intercursum

Sandplain flax

*Ludwigia polycarpa

Many-fruited false-loosestrife

Lycopus amplectens

Clasping-leaved water-horehound

Lygodium palmatum

Climbing fern

*Lyonia mariana


*Malaxis bayardii

Bayard’s white adder’s mouth

Mitella nuda

Naked miterwort

*Nuphar advena

Large yellow pond lily

*Nuphar microphylla

Small yellow pond lily

*Oenothera fruticosa


Opuntia humifusa

Eastern prickly pear

Orontium aquaticum

Golden club

*Orthilia secunda

One-sided pyrola

Oxalis violacea

Violet wood-sorrel

Panax quinquefolius

American ginseng

*Panicum verrucosum

Warty panic grass

*Paronychia fastigiata

Hairy forked chickweed

*Paspalum setaceum var. psammophilum

Thin paspalum

*Phaseolus polystachios var.

Wild kidney bean


Phragmites americanus

American reed

Plantago virginica

Hoary plantain

*Platanthera dilatata

Tall white bog orchid

Platanthera flava var. herbiola

Pale green orchid

*Platanthera hookeri

Hooker's orchid

*Platanthera orbiculata

Large round-leaved orchid

*Polanisia dodecandra


Polygala ambigua

Alternate milkwort

Polygonum glaucum

Seabeach knotweed

*Prunus alleghaniensis

Alleghany plum

*Prunus maritima var. gravesii

Grave's beach plum

*Puccinellia pumila

Goose grass

Quercus macrocarpa

Bur oak

*Ranunculus flammula var.

Creeping spearwort


Ranunculus pensylvanicus

Bristly buttercup

*Rhus aromatica

Fragrant sumac (native populations only)

Ribes glandulosum

Skunk currant

*Ribes lacustre

Swamp black currant

Ribes rotundifolium

Wild currant

*Rosa nitida

Shining rose

Rubus cuneifolius

Sand blackberry

*Rumex persicarioides

Sea-side dock

*Sabatia dodecandra

Large marsh pink

Sagittaria subulata

Awl-leaved arrowhead

Salix petiolaris

Slender willow

Schizachne purpurascens

Purple oat

*Schwalbea americana


*Scirpus georgianus

Georgia bulrush

*Scirpus longii

Long's bulrush

*Scleria verticillata

Low nutrush

*Smilax hispida

Bristly greenbriar

*Solidago aestivalis

Early wrinkle-leaved goldenrod

*Solidago latissimifolia

Elliott's goldenrod

Spiranthes tuberosa var. grayi

Little ladies'-tresses

Stellaria borealis

Northern stitchwort

*Symphyotrichum prenanthoides

Crooked-stem aster

Trichomanes intricatum

Appalachian gametophyte

*Trichophorum alpinum

Alpine bulrush

*Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. minus

Mountain cranberry

*Valerianella radiata

Beaked corn-salad

*Veratrum latifolium

Hybrid bunchflower

*Verbena simplex

Narrow-leaved vervain

*Viburnum nudum

Possum haw

Viola canadensis

Canada violet

*Viola hirsutula

Southern wood violet

Viola nephrophylla

Northern bog violet

Viola selkirkii

Great-spurred violet

*Believed Extirpated

(Effective March 23, 1992; Amended March 4, 1998; Amended June 3, 2004; Amended July 1, 2010; Amended August 7, 2015)

Sec. 26-306-7. Petitions to add or remove a species from the lists of endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern, or to add or remove an area identified as an essential habitat
Latest version.

(a) In accordance with sections 4-174 and 26-306 of the General Statutes and section 22a-3a-1 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, any person may petition the Commissioner to add or remove a species from the list of endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern set forth in sections 26-306-4, 26-306-5 and 26-306-6 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, or to add or remove an area identified by the Commissioner as an essential habitat for an endangered or threatened species. The burden of proof for listing or delisting species or essential habitats shall be on the person requesting such listing or delisting.

(b) In addition to the information required by section 4-174 of the General Statutes and section 22a-3a-1 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, a petition under this section shall set forth facts demonstrating why the species or habitat at issue should be added or removed. A petition shall be on a form provided by the Commissioner and shall contain at least the following information:

(1) The petitioner's name, address, telephone number, and signature; and the date of the petition;

(2) The objective of the petition;

(3) For a petition to list a species as endangered, threatened, or of special concern:

(A) The common and scientific name of the species at issue;

(B) The list for which the species is proposed; and

(C) A detailed justification for listing the species as proposed, including without limitation past and present population and distribution in (i) Connecticut and (ii) throughout its range, and any known or suspected threats to its numbers in Connecticut.

(4) For a petition to remove a species from the list of endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern:

(A) The common and scientific name of the species at issue;

(B) The list from which the delisting of the species is proposed; and

(C) A detailed justification for delisting the species, including without limitation any changes in population and distribution in (i) Connecticut and (ii) throughout its range, and in any known or suspected threats to its numbers in Connecticut.

(5) For a petition to add an area to those identified by the Commissioner as essential habitat for an endangered or threatened species:

(A) The common and scientific name of the species for which the area is claimed to be essential habitat; and

(B) A detailed justification for adding the area, including without limitation a description of the area's physical and biological features, location, and ownership; the nature of the species' use or potential use of the area; any known or suspected threats to the area or the species' continued or potential use of the area; and the relative abundance of similar such areas (i) in Connecticut and (ii) throughout the range of the species and the geographic relationship of the area at issue to such other similar areas.

(6) For a petition to remove an area from those identified by the Commissioner as essential habitat for an endangered or threatened species:

(A) The common and scientific name of the species for which the area is listed as essential habitat; and

(B) A detailed justification for removing the area, including without limitation a description of the area's physical and biological features, location, and ownership; a discussion of any changes in the nature of the species' use or potential use of the area; any known or suspected threats to the area or the species' continued or potential use of the area; and the relative abundance of similar such areas (i) in Connecticut and (ii) throughout the range of the species and the geographic relationship of the area at issue to such other similar areas.

(7) Copies of or citations to all scientific studies and other documentation which are relevant to the petition and known to the petitioner.

(c) Although the Commissioner will act on a petition containing the information set forth above, nothing in this section shall preclude the Commissioner from requesting information in addition to that initially provided by a petitioner.

(Effective March 23, 1992)