Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (Last Updated: June 14,2023) |
Title17a Social and Human Services and Resources |
SubTitle17a-306-1_17a-306-45. Community Services Policy Manual for Title III Programs of the Older Americans Act |
Sec.17a-306-32. Substantiation of costs and allowable costs
The purpose of this section is to integrate the various OMB Circulars that describe the cost principles on the allowability, allocability and reasonableness of costs and credits.
(a) Participation in Statewide Automated MIS
(1) Area agencies on aging and all grantees and contractors under Title III programs are required to participate in the Statewide Automated MIS unless a waiver is approved by the Connecticut Department on Aging.
(2) Chargeback Rates for Participation in Statewide Automated MIS As a condition of receiving funds under its approved area plan, area agencies on aging will contribute their fair share of the cost of the Statewide Automated MIS based upon their proportion of the Federal share of total Title III funding.
(b) Verification Methods of Meals Served
(1) Accurate verifiable meal counts must be made to satisfy AOA eligibility standards, USDA reimbursement requirements, the MIS and generally accepted auditing standards.
(2) Verification systems for meals served will be instituted by Elderly Nutrition Projects to provide adequate documentation for meals served and safeguard the privacy of individuals.
(c) Allowable and Reasonable Costs Reimbursable under Title III of the Older Americans Act.
General Rule
As to cost principles, the various types of organizations are controlled by their own applicable OMB circular. OMB Circular A-122 sets forth the cost principles for nonprofit organizations, OMB Circular A-87 for government entities, and OMB Circular A-21 for educational institutions. Each type of organization shall observe the rules contained in its applicable circular as to those costs explicitly unallowable and those requiring prior approval. For the sake of bidding, costing and billing for their costs incurred, subrecipients should segregate any unallowable costs from their allowable and reasonable costs.
(1) Additional Unallowable Costs
In addition to the cost principles contained in the OMB circulars, the Connecticut Department on Aging will consider the following costs to be unallowable:
(A) Alcoholic Beverages
Costs of alcoholic beverages are unallowable.
(B) Agency-Furnished Vehicles
That portion of the cost of agency-furnished vehicles that relates to personal use by employees (including transportation to and from work) is unallowable regardless of whether the cost is reported as taxable income to the employees.
(C) Membership in Social, Dining or Country Clubs Costs of membership, in social, dining or country clubs or other organizations having the same purposes are unallowable, regardless of whether the cost is reported as taxable income to the employees.
(D) Standard Commercial Airfare
Airfare costs in excess of the lowest customary standard, coach or equivalent airfare offered during normal business hours are unallowable except when such accommodations require circuitous routing, require travel during unreasonable hours, excessively prolong travel, result in increased cost that offset transportation savings, are not reasonably adequate for the physical or medical needs of the traveler or are not reasonably available to meet the requirements of the program.
(E) Cost of Promotional Items
The costs of souvenirs, models, imprinted clothing, buttons and other mementos provided at no cost to the recipient are unallowable.
(F) Membership in Civic and Community Organizations
Cost of memberships in civic and community organizations are unallowable unless such membership has a bona fide relationship to fulfilling the goals of the Older Americans Act.
(G) Contributions, Donations or Gifts
Contributions, donations or gifts, including cash, property and service, regardless of the recipient, are unallowable.
(H) Retroactive or Backdated Insurance
Premiums for retroactive or backdated insurance written to cover occurred or known losses are unallowable.
(I) Maximum Mileage Rate for Personal Automobiles
Reimbursement for use of personal automobiles above the mileage rate authorized by the State of Connecticut for state personnel, is nonreimbursable regardless of whether this additional amount is reported as taxable income to the employees.
(2) Allowable Costs with Prior Written Approval
The following costs shall require prior written approval from the Connecticut Department on Aging to be reimbursable under Title III of the Older Americans Act:
(A) Participant Medical Cost Reimbursement
No costs of medical services reimbursable under Federal or third-party health/medical insurance or other available sources may be reimbursed from Older Americans Act funds unless full documentation has been obtained for the unavailability of funds from any other source and prior written approval obtained from the Connecticut Department on Aging.
(B) Participant Personal Moving Expenses
Title III funds of the Older Americans Act may not be used to pay for participant personal moving expenses without prior written approval from the Connecticut Department on Aging.
(Effective November 8, 1991)