SubTitle5-238-1_5-238-5. Work Schedules  

Sec. 5-238-1. Hours of work and work schedules. Overtime
Latest version.

(a) Hours of work. The standard hours of work for all full-time employees shall be seven per work day and thirty-five per work week, except as otherwise provided by properly approved work schedules.

(Effective July 9, 1975)

Sec. 5-238-2. Work schedules
Latest version.

(a) Departments. The work schedules for departmental employees other than employees of institutions shall be in accordance with the regular established hours of work stated above except where work in excess of the regular established hours of work shall be determined necessary by the requirements of each department. Such exception shall be provided for only by approval of the Commissioner of Administrative Services and shall be recorded in his office and in the department, together with the reason for each exception.

(b) Institutions. The work schedule for institution employees shall be in accordance with the official schedule on file in the office of the Commissioner of Administrative Services and in the institution. Changes in the official work schedule may be made only after written approval of the Commissioner of Administrative Services. An exception for any employee or any class may be granted only with the written approval of the Commissioner of Administrative Services, and such record together with the reasons for any such exception shall be on file in his office and in the institution.

(c) It shall be the administrative responsibility of the appointing authority, in accordance with the needs of the services, to schedule the assignments of employees to shifts and to work days.

(d) Time spent in travel between home and duty station shall not be construed as work time except as specified by statute.

(Effective January 18, 1984)

Sec. 5-238-3. Work week
Latest version.

The customary work week for all employees shall be from 12:01 a.m. Friday to 12:01 a.m. the following Friday unless otherwise provided by properly approved work schedules.

(Effective July 9, 1975)

Sec. 5-238-4. Work day
Latest version.

The customary work day for all employees shall be from 12:01 a.m. to 12:01 a.m. the following day unless otherwise provided by properly approved work schedule.

(Effective July 9, 1975)

Sec. 5-238-5. Overtime and overtime pay
Latest version.

When in the judgment of the appointing authority or his representative, it is necessary for employees to work in excess of their standard hours of work, such overtime work shall be assigned as equitably as practicable among the employees involved.

(Effective July 9, 1975)