Sec.32-1c-7. Uses to be made of the personal data

Latest version.
  • (a) Employees of the Department who are assigned personnel and payroll responsibilities use the personal data contained in the Department's personnel records in processing promotions, reclassifications, transfers to another agency, retirement, and other personnel actions. Supervisors use the personal data when promotion, career counseling, or disciplinary action against such employee is contemplated, and for other employment-related purposes.

    (b) All employees of the Department use retirement system participant records for the purpose of making an accurate determination of the retirement benefit to which such participants may be eligible, or the amount payable to such participant upon application for a refund of his/her retirement contributions.

    (c) The Department retains personnel records according to schedules published by the Public Records Administrator, Connecticut State Library; it retains retirement system participant data permanently.

    (d) When an individual is asked to supply personal data to the Department, it shall disclose to that individual, upon request, it's name and the division which is requesting the data, the legal authority under which it is empowered to collect and maintain the personal data, the individual's rights pertaining to such records under the Personal Data Act and the Department's regulations, the known consequences arising from supplying or refusing to supply the requested personal data, and the proposed use to be made of the requested personal data.

(Effective July 18, 1986)