Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (Last Updated: June 14,2023) |
Title29 Public Safety and State Police |
SubTitle29-251-1_29-251-17. Procedure of the Codes and Standards Committee |
Sec. 29-251-1—29-251-17. [Repealed] |
Latest version.
Repealed March 26, 1991. |
Sec. 29-251-1a—29-251-13a. [Repealed] |
Latest version.
Repealed April 27, 2000. |
Sec. 29-251-1b. Definitions |
Latest version.
As used in Sections 29-251-1b to 29-251-12b, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies: (1) "Appeal" means a hearing held as a contested case; (2) "C&S committee" or "committee" means the Codes and Standards Committee; (3) "Chairman" means the Codes and Standards Committee member elected in accordance with section 29-251-6b of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies; (4) "Committee member" means a member of the Codes and Standards Committee appointed to the committee in accordance with section 29-251 of the Connecticut General Statutes; (5) "Contested case" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in section 4-166 of the Connecticut General Statutes; (6) "Exemption or variation" means a modification of the State Building Code or the State Fire Safety Code in accordance with sections 29-254 and 29-296 of the Connecticut General Statutes, respectively; (7) "Accessibility modification" means a variation of or exemption from any provision of the State Building Code relating to the accessibility to, and use of, buildings and structures by persons with disabilities as set forth in subsection (b) of section 29-269 of the Connecticut General Statutes; (8) "Historic modification" means a set aside for historic buildings as set forth in section 29-259 of the Connecticut General Statutes; (9) "Meeting" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in section 1-200 of the Connecticut General Statutes; (10) "Outside qualified individual" means a person appointed by the chairman of the Codes and Standards Committee to assist a subcommittee as set forth in section 29-251-7b of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies; (11) "Subcommittee chairman" means a Codes and Standards Committee member appointed by the committee chairman to serve as chairman of a subcommittee; and (12) "Subcommittee member" means a Codes and Standards Committee member appointed by the chairman to serve on a subcommittee. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-2b. Purpose |
Latest version.
(a) The objectives and purposes of the Codes and Standards Committee shall be as set forth in Chapter 541 of the Connecticut General Statutes. (b) To accomplish the objectives and purposes referred to in subsection (a) of this section, the Codes and Standards Committee may use any consultants it may deem necessary or desirable, provided that the committee shall not obligate the Department of Public Safety for any expenditures for this purpose unless and until such expenditures have been approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-3b. Committee office and records |
Latest version.
The office of the C&S committee shall be at the Department of Public Safety, 1111 Country Club Road, P. O. Box 2794, Middletown, Connecticut 06457-9294. Committee records shall be maintained at the same location. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-4b. Membership |
Latest version.
(a) Members of the Codes and Standards Committee shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Public Safety in accordance with section 29-251 of the Connecticut General Statutes. (b) Resignations from the committee shall be in writing and transmitted to the chairman, who will then cause them to be forwarded to the Commissioner of Public Safety accompanied by a request to appoint a new member of the specific discipline required by section 29-251 of the Connecticut General Statutes. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-5b. Officers and their duties |
Latest version.
(a) The officers of the C&S committee shall consist of a chairman, a vice-chairman and a secretary elected from the committee in accordance with Section 29-251-6b of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. (b) The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the committee and shall perform the duties normally conferred by parliamentary usage upon such officers. The chairman shall have the authority to appoint subcommittees, call special meetings and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by Sections 29-251-1b to 29-251-12b, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. (c) The chairman may participate in discussions of matters properly before the C&S committee and may vote thereon. (d) The vice-chairman shall act for the chairman in his or her absence and may perform the duties prescribed for that office. (e) The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the C&S committee and shall, with the assistance of such Department of Public Safety staff as is available, prepare the agenda of regular and special meetings under the direction of the chairman, provide notice of all meetings to committee members at least one week prior to such meetings, attend to the correspondence of the C&S committee, and perform such other duties as are normally carried out by the secretary. (f) In the absence of the secretary, the chairman shall appoint a secretary pro tem. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-6b. Election of officers |
Latest version.
(a) An annual organization meeting shall be held at the regularly scheduled December meeting, at which time officers shall be elected and rules and procedures reviewed. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present. A quorum for this meeting shall consist of two-thirds of the appointed membership. (b) Nominations shall be made from the floor at the annual organization meeting and election of the officers specified in subsection (a) of Section 29-251-5b of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies shall follow immediately thereafter. (c) A candidate receiving a majority vote as specified in subsection (a) of this section shall be declared elected. Each such officer shall serve for a term of one year, beginning on January 1 or until his or her successor takes office. No officer shall serve in the same position for more than three years consecutively. (d) Vacancies in offices shall be filled by regular election procedures as specified in this section and the member so elected to office shall serve until the next annual organization meeting. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000; Amended October 7, 2010) |
Sec. 29-251-7b. Meetings |
Latest version.
(a) Meetings of the C&S committee shall be held once in each month, except in July, in accordance with a schedule adopted at the annual meeting of the committee and filed with the Secretary of the State, or with proper notice, upon the call of the chairman. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the chairman. Unless otherwise specified, meetings shall be held in the office of the committee. (b) Meetings of subcommittees shall be scheduled at the call of the chairman of the subcommittee. (c) A minimum of one-half of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum, and the number of votes necessary to transact business shall be a majority of those members present and voting. The notice of any special meeting shall specify the purpose of such meeting and no other business may be considered except by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the C&S committee present and voting. (d) The chairman shall appoint, as a minimum, the following subcommittees to assist in the orderly process of the purposes of the committee as set forth in Section 29-251-2a of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies: (1) Codes Amendment Subcommittee; and (2) Ethics and Procedures Subcommittee. (e) The minimum membership of a subcommittee shall be three committee members. Three members of each subcommittee shall constitute a quorum, and the number of votes necessary to transact business shall be a majority of those members present and voting. (f) The C&S committee chairman shall assign the duties of each subcommittee. Each such subcommittee shall report its recommendations to the committee. If so charged by the chairman, the report shall be in writing. (g) The chairman may, with consent of the committee, appoint outside qualified individuals to assist the subcommittee in its work. (h) Unless otherwise specified, "Robert's Rules of Order" shall govern the proceedings at all committee meetings. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000; Amended October 7, 2010) |
Sec. 29-251-8b. Order of business |
Latest version.
The order of business at regular meetings shall be: (1) Call to order; (2) Attendance; (3) Approval of minutes of previous meeting; (4) Communications; (5) Reports of subcommittees; (6) Old business; (7) New business; (8) Reports of hearing panels; (9) Good of the order; and (10) Adjournment. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-9b. Proposed amendments to the State Building Code |
Latest version.
(a) The State Building Inspector shall provide each member of the C&S committee with a copy of any proposed amendment to the State Building Code. The proposed amendment shall be distributed so as to be received by each member at least two weeks before any meeting for the consideration of the proposed amendment. (b) Proposed amendments selected for adoption shall be processed in accordance with section 29-254 of the Connecticut General Statutes. (c) Proposed amendments shall be in writing in a form acceptable to the committee. They shall be referred, as soon as received, to the Codes Amendment Subcommittee. The Codes Amendment Subcommittee shall report to the committee at the direction of the chairman. (d) The State Building Inspector or his or her designee shall have the right to comment on any proposed change or amendment at any time during discussion on or consideration of the proposal. He or she may be present at C&S committee or subcommittee meetings during deliberations. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-10b. Proposed amendments to the State Fire Safety Code |
Latest version.
(a) The State Fire Marshal shall provide each member of the C&S committee with a copy of any proposed amendment to the State Fire Safety Code. The proposed amendment shall be distributed so as to be received by each member at least two weeks before any meeting for the consideration of the proposed amendment. (b) Proposed amendments shall be in writing in a form acceptable to the committee. They shall be referred, as soon as received, to the Codes Amendment Subcommittee. The Codes Amendment Subcommittee shall report to the committee as directed by the chairman. (c) The State Fire Marshal or his or her designee shall have the right to comment on any proposed amendment at any time during discussion on or consideration of the proposal. He or she may be present at C&S committee or subcommittee meetings during deliberations. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |
Sec. 29-251-11b. Appeals, exemptions or variations |
Latest version.
(a) Any appeal to the committee shall be assigned to a panel of not fewer than three committee members. The decision of the panel shall be the decision of the C&S committee. (b) In appeals to the committee under the provisions of section 29-309 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the committee shall first refer the appeal to the State Fire Marshal for review. The State Fire Marshal shall be asked to review the appeal for resolution by modification under the provisions of section 29-296 of the Connecticut General Statutes or by any other administrative or technical means pursuant to regulations adopted under authority of section 29-292 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The State Fire Marshal may gather such additional information and conduct such inspections as may be necessary before the appeal moves forward. (c) For the purpose of determining the time limit for the committee to render a decision on an appeal, the hearing shall be deemed concluded upon receipt of the record required in Section 29-251-12b of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies. (d) Regulations of the Department of Public Safety concerning Procedures for Hearings, sections 29-2-1 to 29-2-9, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, shall apply to appeals before the C&S committee, as appropriate. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000; Amended October 7, 2010) |
Sec. 29-251-12b. Record, transcripts |
Latest version.
In any appeal hearing, a full and complete record of the testimony, documentary evidence and proceedings on every appeal shall be made, but need not be transcribed unless there is a further appeal or upon the request of any party or the committee. When a record is transcribed, it shall be made available to the requesting party upon payment of the reasonable costs of preparing such transcript. |
(Adopted effective April 27, 2000) |