SubTitle22-344-1_22-344-94. Operations and Maintenance of Commercial Kennels  

Sec. 22-344-1. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-2. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-3. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-4. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-5. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-6. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-7. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-8. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-9. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-10. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-11. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-12. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-13. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-14. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-15. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-15a. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective August 1, 1983; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-15b. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective August 1, 1983; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-15c. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective August 1, 1983; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-15d. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective August 1, 1983; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-15e. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective August 1, 1983; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-15f. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective August 1, 1983; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-16—22-344-19. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed April 26, 1989.

Sec. 22-344-20—22-344-21. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed December 4, 1973.

Sec. 22-344-22—22-344-24. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed April 26, 1989.

Sec. 22-344-25. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed December 4, 1973.

Sec. 22-344-25a—22-344-25b. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed April 26, 1989.

Sec. 22-344-16a. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective April 26, 1989; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-17a. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective April 26, 1989; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-18a. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective April 26, 1989; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-19a. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective April 26, 1989; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-20a. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective April 26, 1989; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-21a. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective April 26, 1989; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-25c. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective May 23, 1988; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-26. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-27. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-28. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-29. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-30. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-31. [Repealed]
Latest version.

Repealed November 9, 2021.

(Effective January 6, 1970; Repealed November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-32. Definitions
Latest version.

As used in this section and sections 22-344-33 to 22-344-90, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies:

(1) “CFR” means the Code of Federal Regulations;

(2) “Clean” means the thorough removal of organic material and debris;

(3) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Agriculture;

(4) “Department” means the Department of Agriculture;

(5) “Disinfect” means a process that will eliminate pathogens, including Canine parvovirus, in a given area through the treatment of a clean surface with an approved chemical while following the manufacturer’s label directions, or by the application of hot water of not less than one-hundred-eighty (180) degrees Fahrenheit or eighty-two and two-tenths (82.2) degrees Celsius; and

(6) “Primary enclosure” means any structure or device used to restrict an animal or animals to a limited amount of space, such as a room, pen, cage, or compartment.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-33. Condition of Commercial Kennel Facilities
Latest version.

(a) Facilities for housing dogs and cats shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair to prevent injury to the dogs and cats, to contain the dogs and cats and to restrict the entrance of other animals.

(b) Outdoor group exercise areas for dogs, if provided, shall: (1) have sufficient drainage that prevents the accumulation of stagnant water; (2) have fencing, with a minimum height of six (6) feet, to prevent escape of any dog, and (3) be kept in a safe and sanitary condition. The surface of outdoor group exercise areas shall be kept in a sanitary condition. The surface of outdoor group exercise areas shall be replaced when necessary in order to maintain a sanitary condition.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-34. Commercial Kennel Facilities - Walls, Ceilings, and Floors
Latest version.

Commercial kennel walls and floors shall be constructed of impervious surfaces, including, but not limited to, tile, sealed cement or concrete block treated with epoxy paint, that can be cleaned and disinfected. Ceilings shall be kept clean and free of accumulated dust and debris.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-35. Commercial Kennel Facilities - Runs, Inside Primary Enclosures and Exercise areas
Latest version.

(a) All primary enclosures for dogs and cats shall be indoors.

(b) Primary enclosures shall be provided for each dog, and shall be of sufficient size and design as to allow each dog to stand, sit, lie down, turn around, and make other normal postural adjustments without obstruction, interference, or impediment by the presence of food, water bowls, equipment, or other animals, unless different space requirements are medically required by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian, and shall meet the following minimum space criteria:

(1) For dogs weighing not more than twenty-five (25) pounds, five (5) square feet per dog; for dogs weighing more than twenty-five (25) pounds but not more than forty-five (45) pounds, nine (9) square feet per dog; and for dogs weighing over forty-five (45) pounds, sixteen (16) square feet per dog; or

(2) Provide space equal to or more than the space requirements for dogs pursuant to 9 CFR 3.6(a)(2)(xi) and 9 CFR 3.6(c)(1), as amended from time to time.

(3) Dogs shall not share a same primary enclosure, except dams or foster dams and their puppies, or dogs owned by the same individual, with the owner’s written consent.

(c) Exercise areas shall be provided for each dog, and shall meet the following minimum criteria:

(1) Inside or outside runs shall be provided and shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches wide for a dog weighing not more than forty-five (45) pounds, and forty-eight (48) inches wide for a dog weighing more than forty-five (45) pounds. The minimum length of runs shall be ten (10) feet;

(2) Two (2) times the area provided for in subsection (b)(2) of this section if individually housed; or

(3) An area equal to the number of dogs multiplied by the area provided for in subsection (b)(2) of this section, if housed as a group.

(d) Primary enclosures shall be provided for each cat with space equal to or more than the space requirements for cats pursuant to 9 CFR 3.6(a) and 9 CFR 3.6(b), as amended from time to time.

(e) Whenever dogs or cats are kept in groups the following shall apply:

(1) Females in heat (estrus) shall not be kept with males, except for breeding purposes;

(2) Any dog or cat exhibiting a vicious or aggressive disposition shall be kept separately; and

(3) Puppies or kittens four (4) months of age or less shall not be kept with adult dogs or cats other than their dams or foster dams.

(f) Commercial kennels which keep dogs only during daytime hours shall comply with the following space requirements for primary enclosures and exercise areas:

(1) Subsections (b) and (c) of this section; or

(2) Subsection(c)(3) of this section.

(3) In all events, subsections (a), (e) and (g) of this section shall be complied with.

(g) Any dog or cat that has or is suspected of having a contagious disease shall be isolated from and have no nose to nose contact with healthy animals. Any dog or cat that has or is suspected of having a contagious disease shall be examined, treated and handled as directed by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-36. Commercial Kennel Facilities - Ventilation, Temperature
Latest version.

A commercial kennel shall meet the following minimum standards with respect to indoor ventilation and temperature:

(a) A commercial kennel shall provide mechanical ventilation sufficient to minimize odor, ammonia levels, disease transmission risk, and stress on the dogs and cats; and

(b) A commercial kennel shall provide a mechanical heating and cooling system of appropriate design and capacity, to maintain an indoor ambient temperature of between fifty-five (55) and eighty (80) degrees Fahrenheit, unless other temperatures are medically required by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-37. Commercial Kennel Facilities - Sanitation
Latest version.

(a) All buildings, grounds, runs, pens, primary enclosures, exercise areas and any place where dogs or cats are kept shall be maintained in a sanitary manner to minimize the harborage, breeding or attraction of insects or vermin. Trash and food containers shall be kept closed or covered when not in use.

(b) All removable resting surfaces, furniture-type fixtures, equipment or objects within the facility shall be constructed in a manner or made of materials that allow them to be cleaned and disinfected, or removed or replaced when worn or soiled.

(c) Excreta and all food waste shall be removed as often as necessary, but at a minimum, at least once daily, from all runs, primary enclosures, and exercise areas. Runs and all hard surfaces shall be clean and disinfected, and maintained in a sanitary manner. Excreta and all food waste shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-38. Commercial Kennel Records, Health Requirements
Latest version.

(a) Commercial kennels shall maintain records of all dogs and cats for two (2) years with at least the following minimum information:

(1) Name and address of the owner or person responsible for the animal, the date of entry, and the date of release;

(2) Description of the animal including the breed, sex, age and color marking;

(3) Veterinary care if provided, which shall include the date, time, name of and dosage of any medication provided, and name of the person administering any product or procedure; and

(4) Proof of a current rabies vaccination and town license for dogs.

(b) The records required by subsection (a) of this section shall be maintained at the commercial kennel, and shall be readily available for inspection by any designated agent of the commissioner.

(c) Each commercial kennel licensee shall have on file at his or her place of business, a written emergency plan describing procedures for both natural and man-made disasters such as a fire, flood, extreme weather conditions, power failure or utility disruptions and chemical or toxic spills. The emergency plan shall include procedures for training staff about disaster preparedness, staff’s specific responsibilities during a disaster, relocation process (if appropriate), and contacting appropriate emergency response agencies and owners of animals in the care and custody of the licensee.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-39. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-40. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-41. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-42. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-43. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-44. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-45. Pet Shop Structural Standards
Latest version.

The facilities for housing animals shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair to prevent injury to the animals. All buildings, premises, and surfaces that come in contact with animals shall be maintained in a sanitary manner. Equipment shall be available for the proper storage or disposal of waste material to control vermin, insects and noxious odors. Pet shops shall take effective measures to control and prevent the infestation of animals or premises with external parasites, insects, and vermin. The burning of any excreta, bedding or debris on the premises is prohibited.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-46. Pet Shop Enclosures
Latest version.

(a) Enclosures for all animals shall be suited to the species of animals, structurally sound and maintained in good repair to protect animals from injury and escape. Enclosures shall be constructed and maintained so as to enable the animals to remain clean and dry when appropriate for the species. All animals shall be kept in proper enclosures, except when cleaning such enclosures, exhibiting animals, and providing veterinary care. Birds acclimated to open perches shall be exempt from the enclosure requirement.

(b) Walls and floors of enclosures shall be constructed of nonabsorbent, nonporous materials impervious to moisture. If wire or grid flooring is used it shall be made of galvanized, stainless steel, or plastic coated wire and be of adequate gauge to support the animals without sagging and to prevent the animals’ feet from passing through the openings. Enclosures in current use shall be cleaned and disinfected daily or more often, if necessary, to maintain a sanitary condition.

(c) Each animal shall be provided with sufficient space to turn about freely and easily stand, sit or lie in a comfortable natural position. Animals that are group housed shall be maintained in compatible groups. No female dog or cat in season (estrus) shall be housed in the same primary enclosure with male animals.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-47. Pet Shop Housing Facilities Temperatures, Ventilation
Latest version.

(a) Pet shops shall be sufficiently heated and cooled to protect animals from the heat and cold, and to provide for their health and comfort at all times. The temperature of the air surrounding animals shall be maintained, under normal conditions, at a minimum of sixty-five (65) degrees Fahrenheit and a maximum of seventy-eight (78) degrees Fahrenheit, except for those species of animals which require higher temperatures. Animals shall be provided protection from the direct rays of the sun by means of physical screening or barriers, or similar methods, to prevent overheating.

(b) Housing for animals shall be adequately ventilated in such a manner as to minimize drafts, offensive odors and moisture condensation and to provide for the health and comfort of the animals at all times. Ventilation shall be deemed adequate only if mechanical ventilation, such as exhaust fans, exhaust vents or air conditioning is provided and operating properly.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-48. Pet Shop Lighting
Latest version.

Pet shop facilities housing animals shall have ample well-distributed light by natural or artificial means, or both, providing a minimum of thirty (30) lumens for a minimum of eight (8) hours in each twenty-four (24) hour period, except where contraindicated for health reasons. Enclosures shall be so placed as to protect animals from excessive illumination except for those species which require it.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-49. Pet Shop Animal Health
Latest version.

(a) Animals shall be provided with food that is wholesome, palatable, free from contamination, and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to maintain animals in good health. Animals, other than certain reptiles which according to normal husbandry practices for their species are not fed at least once daily, shall be fed at least once a day, including weekends and holidays, except as dictated by hibernation, veterinary treatment, normal fasts, or other commonly accepted practices recognized by professionals who are expert in the care of the animals concerned. In the case of sexually immature animals, they shall be fed at least two times per day, except when continuous self-feeders are provided. Feeding pans shall be disinfected daily. Self-feeders may be used for the feeding of dry food provided they are cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent molding or caking of food. If disposable food receptacles are used, they shall be discarded after each feeding. Food shall be stored in facilities which adequately protect food and supplies against deterioration, molding or contamination by vermin or insects.

(b) Potable water shall be provided at all times to each animal in accordance with its needs, except as directed by hibernation, veterinary treatment, or other commonly accepted practices recognized by professionals who are expert in the care of the animals concerned. Water containers shall be designed and of sufficient number to provide and dispense adequate quantities of water for the particular species and shall be placed in such a way as to prevent spillage. Water containers shall be cleaned and disinfected at least once each day, except that sipper-tube type water bottles, if used, shall be kept clean and disinfected, and shall be cleaned and disinfected prior to an animal being placed in an enclosure.

(c) All dogs and cats received for resale shall be housed, separate from other dogs and cats on the premises for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours before being released to a purchaser. Each animal shall be observed daily by the licensee or such licensee’s representative in order to recognize general symptoms of injury, illness or disease. Any dog or cat that exhibits symptoms of injury, illness or disease shall be isolated and treated as prescribed by a veterinarian. Any such dog or cat shall be verified by a veterinarian to be healthy before such dog or cat is offered for sale in accordance with section 22-344b(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(d) Each pet shop shall consult with a Connecticut licensed veterinarian to determine the place and period of time necessary for exercise for dogs confined in cages. Dogs confined in cages shall be removed at least once daily for exercise. Each pet shop shall follow the advice of the Connecticut licensed veterinarian.

(e) Each pet shop licensee shall have on file at such licensee’s place of business, a written emergency plan describing procedures for both natural and man-made disasters such as a fire, flood, extreme weather conditions, power failure or utility disruptions and chemical or toxic spills. The emergency plan shall include procedures for training staff about disaster preparedness, staff’s specific responsibilities during a disaster, relocation process (if appropriate), and contacting appropriate emergency response agencies.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-50. Pet Shop Prohibited Sales
Latest version.

The exhibition, sale or offer for sale by a pet shop of any of the following listed animals is prohibited:

(1) Chicks, ducks or other poultry, unless licensed under section 22-326s of the Connecticut General Statutes;

(2) Foxes (Urocyon eineroarg-enteus; Vulpes fulva);

(3) Raccoons (Procyon Lotor);

(4) Skunks (Mephitis);

(5) Venomous reptiles;

(6) Venomous amphibians;

(7) Venomous arachnids;

(8) Turtles, except those sold or offered for sale in accordance with section 19a-36 or section 26-78 of the Connecticut General Statutes, and section 19a-36-A46 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;

(9) Monk or Quaker Parakeets (Myiopsitta Monachus);

(10) All animals listed under section 26-40a of the Connecticut General Statutes as potentially dangerous wild animals; and

(11) Any animal which exhibits:

(A) Obvious signs of infectious disease such as upper respiratory infection, distemper, parvovirus, coronavirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis, rabies or other similar diseases (not to be construed to include incubating diseases);

(B) Obvious signs of nutritional disease which may include rickets and emaciation;

(C) Obvious signs of severe parasitism—extreme enough to be influencing its general health; or

(D) Fractures or congenital abnormalities affecting its general health.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-51. Pet Shop Records
Latest version.

(a) The owner or operator of a pet shop shall maintain the following records regarding each dog or cat obtained by the pet shop:

(1) Name and address of the person, firm or corporation from whom the animal was obtained, the date thereof and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) dealer license number if applicable;

(2) Description of the dog or cat, including the species, breed, sex, color and distinctive markings, physical condition and health, age and the USDA animal identification number, if applicable;

(3) Name and address of the person, firm or corporation to whom such dog or cat was sold or ownership was transferred and the date thereof;

(4) Disposition of the dog or cat, if not sold or transferred, including euthanasia and the method, mortality and cause, if known, escape, or other specific circumstance, and the date thereof;

(5) For each dog or cat receiving medical care, the type of service rendered, date and veterinarian’s name; and

(6) If applicable, the USDA interstate and international certificate of health examination for dogs and cats, or equivalent official form of this state or the state of origin.

(b) The information required by subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section shall be entered into a bound logbook with all pages consecutively numbered, or an electronic record system, not later than seventy-two (72) hours after receipt of the dog or cat. The information required by subsections (a)(3) to (a)(5), inclusive, of this section shall be entered into such logbook or electronic record system not later than seventy-two (72) hours after the event which is being recorded. Any entry in such logbook which is not adjacent to the original entry describing the animal shall refer to such original entry, in order to track the animal’s disposition and care.

(c) The records required by subsection (a) of this section shall be maintained at the pet shop for a minimum of two years after the date of sale, transfer or other disposition of the dog or cat addressed by the record, and shall be readily available for inspection and copying by any designated agent of the commissioner.

(d) Pet shops shall retain a record of the name and address of any purchaser of any red-eared slider turtle with distinctive aberrant color patterns, including albino or amelanistic specimens, on a form prescribed by the commissioner.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-52. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-53. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-54. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-55. Grooming Facility Room Requirements
Latest version.

Any grooming facility established in a residence shall be in a room, separate from living quarters, at least one hundred forty-four (144) square feet in size, with a separate outside entrance. Sufficient lighting shall be provided by either natural or artificial means or a combination of both sufficient for the inspection of the animals, routine cleaning and sanitation, and proper animal care. Sufficient ventilation shall be provided to ensure the health and comfort of the animal kept at the facility.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-56. Grooming Facility Walls, Ceilings, and Floors
Latest version.

The walls and ceiling of the facility shall be painted, paneled or of other easily cleaned, water-impervious materials. Floors shall be covered with a non-toxic, easily cleaned, water-impervious material.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-57. Grooming Facility Grooming equipment
Latest version.

Each grooming facility shall be equipped with at least the following: a bathing tub, a grooming table, hot and cold running water, a dryer, clippers, combs, brushes and shears. All equipment shall be sterilized after each use and kept in a sanitary manner.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-58. Grooming Facility Drying cages
Latest version.

Drying cages shall be kept cleaned and disinfected and shall be of sufficient size to contain the dog while drying.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-59. Grooming Facility Exercise area. Keeping dogs overnight
Latest version.

There shall be an indoor or outdoor exercise area for dogs being detained for grooming for periods exceeding four (4) hours, measuring at least three (3) feet by eight (8) feet, with covered top provided. Dogs shall not be kept overnight, unless the grooming facility is also licensed as a commercial kennel.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-60. Grooming Facility Sanitation of grooming and exercise areas
Latest version.

The grooming area and any required exercise area shall be kept cleaned and disinfected at all times.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-61. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-62. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-63. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-64. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-65. Training Facility - Facility for housing dogs for training
Latest version.

Any facility for housing dogs for training shall comply with the provisions of sections 22-344-33 to 22-344-38, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies and the training facility shall be separate from any residence or living quarters.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-66. Training Facility - Posting for public safety
Latest version.

For reasons of public safety, the building or area in which a guard or attack dog is located shall be posted with bilingual (English and Spanish) or visual guard dog signs that are at least eight (8) inches by twelve (12) inches in size. Such signs shall not be more than two-hundred (200) feet apart, and shall be at all property corners and at every entrance into such building and area.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-67. Training Facility - Outside training facilities
Latest version.

If guard or attack dogs are located outside a facility or a building, the area shall be enclosed by at least a six (6) foot secure chain link fence.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-68. Training Facility - Gates and entrances to a facility
Latest version.

All gates and entrances to a facility where guard or attack dogs are housed, used or trained shall be kept secured to prevent escapes and ensure public safety.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-69. Training Facility - Control of noise
Latest version.

In order to control noise, a physical sight barrier shall be installed in such a manner, and of such dimensions, as to break the dog’s line of sight of any off-premises location or activity.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-70. Training Facility - Prohibited training procedures
Latest version.

Any type of training that would detrimentally affect the dog’s health, safety or welfare, or the welfare of the public is prohibited. The following procedures are specifically forbidden:

(1) Use of electronic training collars in a manner inconsistent with the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions for such devices;

(2) Use of electronic prods, and similar devices;

(3) Kicking, beating, hanging or any other kind of physical abuse; and

(4) Withholding of food, water, or housing in order to promote aggression.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-71. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-72. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-73. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-74. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-75. Animal Importer Minimum Standards of Animal Care
Latest version.

An animal importer shall comply with the following standards of care when transporting a dog or cat anywhere within this state:

(a) The dog or cat shall be contained in a primary enclosure such as a compartment, transport cage, carton, or crate. Primary enclosures used to transport a dog or cat shall be constructed so that:

(1) The primary enclosure is strong enough to contain each dog or cat securely during transportation;

(2) The interior of the primary enclosure has no sharp points or edges and no protrusions that could injure the animal contained in it;

(3) The dog or cat is at all times securely contained within the enclosure and cannot put any part of its body outside the enclosure in a way that could result in injury to itself, to handlers, or to persons or animals nearby;

(4) The dog or cat can be easily and quickly removed from the enclosure in an emergency;

(5) Unless the enclosure is permanently affixed to the transport vehicle, adequate devices such as handles or handholds are provided on its exterior, and enable the enclosure to be lifted without tilting it, and ensure that anyone handling the enclosure will not come into physical contact with the animal contained inside;

(6) Unless the enclosure is permanently affixed to the transport vehicle, it is clearly marked on top and on one or more sides with the words “Live Animals,” in letters at least one (1) inch (2.5 centimeters) high, and with arrows or other markings to indicate the correct upright position of the primary enclosure;

(7) Any material, treatment, paint, preservative, or other chemical used in or on the enclosure is nontoxic to the animal and not harmful to the health or well-being of the animal; and

(8) The primary enclosure has a solid, leak-proof bottom or a removable, leak-proof collection tray under a slatted or mesh floor that prevents seepage of waste products, such as excreta and body fluids, outside of the enclosure. If a slatted or mesh floor is used in the enclosure, it shall be designed and constructed so that the animal cannot put any part of its body between the slats or through the holes in the mesh. Unless a dog or cat is on raised slatted floor or raised floor made of mesh, the primary enclosure shall contain enough safe and nontoxic absorbent material to absorb excreta.

(b) Primary enclosures used to hold or transport any dog or cat shall be cleaned and disinfected before each use. The interior of vehicles used to transport dogs and cats shall be kept clean. If the dogs or cats are held or in transit for more than twenty-four (24) hours, the enclosures shall be cleaned and any soiled absorbent material replaced, or other methods, such as moving the animals to another enclosure, shall be utilized to prevent the soiling of the dogs or cats by body wastes. If it becomes necessary to remove the dog or cat from the enclosure in order to clean, or to move the dog or cat to another enclosure, this procedure shall be completed in a way that safeguards the dog or cat from injury and prevents escape.

(c) A dog or cat shall be transported in the following manner:

(1) Any dogs or cats transported in the same primary enclosure shall be of the same species and be maintained in compatible groups;

(2) Puppies or kittens four (4) months of age or less shall not be transported in the same primary enclosure with adult dogs or cats other than their dams;

(3) Dogs or cats that are aggressive or exhibit a vicious disposition shall be transported individually in a primary enclosure;

(4) No female dog or cat in heat (estrus) shall be transported in the same primary enclosure with any male dog or cat;

(5) During vehicle transportation the temperature within the space where dogs or cats are held during transport shall not exceed eighty (80) degrees Fahrenheit or twenty-six and seven-tenths (26.7) degrees Celsius, or fall below fifty-five (55) degrees Fahrenheit or twelve and eight-tenths (12.8) degrees Celsius;

(6) Each dog and cat that is sixteen (16) weeks of age or more shall be offered food at least once every twenty-four (24) hours. Puppies and kittens less than sixteen (16) weeks of age shall be offered food at least once every twelve (12) hours. Each dog and cat shall be offered potable water at least once every four (4) hours; and

(7) The animal importer licensee, the operator of the transport vehicle, or a person accompanying the operator, shall observe each dog and cat not less than once every four (4) hours, to ensure compliance with this subsection and take such corrective action as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of this section.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-76. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-77. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-78. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-79. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-80. Animal Shelter Standards and Facility Requirements, phase-in date for certain subsections
Latest version.

The provisions of sections 22-344-80 to 22-344-82, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies shall apply to animal shelters that house dogs or cats.

(a) Animal shelter facilities shall meet or exceed the following minimum standards:

(1) All buildings and premises shall be kept in good repair and in a sanitary condition;

(2) Walls and floors shall be constructed of impervious surfaces such as tile, sealed cement or concrete block treated with epoxy paint that can be cleaned and disinfected. Ceilings shall be kept clean and free of accumulated dust and debris. All equipment used shall be free of rust;

(3) Carpeted flooring is prohibited in areas where animals are housed, treated, or fed;

(4) All removable resting surfaces, bedding, furniture-type fixtures, equipment or objects within the facility shall be constructed in a manner or made of materials that allow them to be cleaned and disinfected, or removed or replaced when worn or soiled.

(5) A washing area shall be provided with hot and cold running water dedicated to cleaning animals, and all of the equipment related to their care. The washing area shall be large enough to accommodate cleaning and disinfection of all items associated with the care of animals, including enclosures, removable resting surfaces, bedding, furniture-type fixtures, equipment, food bowls, water bowls, and toys;

(6) Natural or artificial illumination shall be maintained during daylight hours in all areas and rooms in which dogs and cats are kept. Natural or artificial illumination shall be well distributed and adequate to provide thorough observation of the facility and its enclosures, cages, and dogs and cats. Artificial illumination shall be available for non-daylight hours;

(7) Equipment shall be maintained and used in a way that ensures the proper and legal storage or disposal of wastes and potentially disease-contaminated material, such as, medical supplies, syringes, and needles;

(8) Effective control measures to prevent the infestation of animals and premises by external parasites, insects, or vermin shall be maintained at all times;

(9) Dog and cat food in original packaging shall be stored above the floor on clean racks, dollies or other clean surfaces, in such a manner as to protect from contamination. Unsealed bags of dog and cat food shall be stored in covered metal or covered heavy duty plastic containers, in such a manner as to protect from contamination; and

(10) Dog and cat cages or enclosures shall be equipped with a solid floor.

(b) Subdivisions (2), (3) and (4) of subsection (a) of this section shall be effective one year after the effective date of this section.

(c) Each animal shelter registrant shall have on file at his or her place of business, a written emergency plan describing procedures for both natural and man-made disasters such as a fire, flood, extreme weather conditions, power failure or utility disruptions and chemical or toxic spills. The emergency plan shall include procedures for training staff about disaster preparedness, staff’s specific responsibilities during a disaster, relocation process (if appropriate), and contacting appropriate emergency response agencies.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-81. Animal Shelter Ventilation and Temperature Standards, phase-in date for certain subsection
Latest version.

(a) Each animal shelter shall meet the following minimum standards with respect to ventilation and temperature:

(1) Each animal shelter shall provide mechanical ventilation sufficient to minimize odor, ammonia levels, disease transmission risk, and stress on the dogs and cats; and

(2) Each animal shelter shall provide mechanical heating and cooling systems of appropriate design and capacity to maintain an indoor ambient temperature of between fifty-five (55) and eighty (80) degrees Fahrenheit, unless other temperatures are medically required by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian.

(b) Subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of this section shall be effective one year after the effective date of this section.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-82. Animal Shelter Minimum Standards of Animal Care. Control of Rabies in Public Settings
Latest version.

(a) All facilities, enclosures, and other places where dogs and cats are kept by an animal shelter shall meet or exceed the following standards:

(1) Be of sufficient size and design as to allow each dog or cat to stand, sit, lie down, turn around, and make other normal postural adjustments without obstruction, interference, or impediment by the presence of food, water bowls, equipment, or other animals, unless different space requirements are medically required by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian. For the purposes of this section, facilities which provide space equal to or more than the space requirements for dogs pursuant to 9 CFR 3.6(a)(2)(xi) and 9 CFR 3.6(c)(1), as amended from time to time, shall be deemed to be in compliance with this requirement;

(2) Be cleaned and disinfected at least daily, always before introducing a new animal into the enclosure, and more often if necessary, to maintain sanitary conditions. Cages and enclosures shall be unoccupied during cleaning and disinfecting; and

(3) Provide shelter from the sun and inclement weather when animals are outside.

(b) On a daily basis, the animal shelter shall, with consideration of differences in species, breed, age, and condition, ensure that:

(1) Dogs and cats are kept clean and dry. No dog or cat shall be permitted to roam outside. No dog or cat shall be permitted outside unless they are acclimated to and can tolerate the climatic conditions likely to be encountered during the period of time they are outside. A working outdoor thermometer shall be available and used to monitor outdoor temperature;

(2) Veterinary care is provided by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian in a timely manner and that when necessary, immediate emergency veterinary care shall be provided;

(3) Medications and treatments shall only be administered under the advice or in accordance with written protocols provided by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian, and all medications shall be stored and administered in accordance with federal and state regulations;

(4) Dogs and cats diagnosed or under treatment for a communicable disease shall be physically separated from healthy animals to minimize the risk of disease transmission;

(5) Dogs and cats shall have unimpeded access to fresh, wholesome, nutritious food and clean potable drinking water at appropriate intervals, considering the breed, age and species of such animals;

(6) Uneaten food shall be discarded after twenty-four (24) hours and in no case shall food offered to one animal be subsequently offered to another animal;

(7) Dogs and cats shall be provided with appropriately sized clean and disinfected bowls, dishes, or other containers for food and water;

(8) Dogs and cats shall be kept clean, protected and free from contamination by excrement, urine, or other foreign matter;

(9) Dogs and cats shall be provided with enrichment and exercise to prevent physical atrophy, unless medically restricted by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian;

(10) Species of animals shall be separated by a physical wall or barrier that reduces sound transfer;

(11) Cats, if housed together, shall be housed in compatible groups without overcrowding;

(12) Litters of dogs and cats shall not be permanently separated from their dams before eight (8) weeks of age, unless medically necessary as determined by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian;

(13) Unneutered male dogs and cats over three (3) months of age shall be housed separately from female animals; and

(14) No cat or dog shall be sold, adopted, transferred, or offered for sale, adoption, or transfer that is under the age of eight (8) weeks.

(c) Each animal shelter shall comply with the requirements of section 22-359 of the Connecticut General Statutes, and the regulations adopted thereunder, related to the control of rabies in public settings.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-83. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-84. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-85. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-86. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-87. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-88. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-89. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-90. Application Procedures for Commercial Kennels, Pet Shops, Grooming Facilities, Training Facilities, and Animal Shelters
Latest version.

(a) An applicant for a commercial kennel, pet shop, grooming facility or training facility license and an applicant for registration for an animal shelter may request a pre-application inspection or review of plans. Such pre-inspection or plan review may be conducted by the commissioner or the commissioner’s designated agent, and the results, if any, shall be made available in writing to the applicant or registrant. Such pre-application inspection or plan review shall not be considered an approval of any license or registration, or to operate, nor shall it bind the commissioner or the commissioner’s designated agent.

(b) Initial applications for a commercial kennel, pet shop, grooming facility or training facility license and initial applications for registration of an animal shelter facility shall be made no less than thirty (30) days prior to the planned opening for the facility and shall contain the following information, on a form provided by the department:

(1) Legal name and any trade name of the commercial kennel, pet shop, grooming facility, training facility or animal shelter;

(2) Complete physical address of the commercial kennel, pet shop, grooming facility, training facility or animal shelter;

(3) Mailing address of the commercial kennel, pet shop, grooming facility, training facility or animal shelter;

(4) The name of the operator or manager of the commercial kennel, pet shop, grooming facility, training facility or animal shelter;

(5) The name of the principal owner or owners of the commercial kennel, pet shop, grooming facility, training facility or animal shelter;

(6) The business phone number;

(7) The name and phone number of a responsible person who may be reached during an emergency;

(8) The name, address and phone number of a person upon whom legal service may be made;

(9) Certification by the zoning enforcement official that the facility conforms to the zoning regulations of the municipality wherein the facility is located; and

(10) A copy of the floor plan which includes design capacity for each species housed in the facility, dimensions and depicts wash rooms, treatment areas, isolation areas, pens, runs, primary enclosures, walkways, mechanical rooms, common areas, exercise areas and building entrances.

(c) Facilities shall comply with all applicable state and local building, fire, electrical, zoning, and public health codes or ordinances.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-91. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-92. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-93. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)

Sec. 22-344-94. [Reserved]
Latest version.

(Effective November 9, 2021)