SubTitle22-326c-1_22-326c-2. Control of Avian Disease  

Sec. 22-326c-1. Appraisal
Latest version.

Poultry, carcasses or parts thereof, eggs, products, or articles required to be destroyed in accordance with Section 22-324-10 shall be appraised by two appraisers, one chosen by the Commissioner and one chosen by the owner. If they are unable to agree upon the value of such property, each shall choose an arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so chosen shall choose a third, and the three arbitrators so chosen or a majority of the three arbitrators so chosen shall be approved by the Commissioner.

(Effective June 25, 1986)

Sec. 22-326c-2. Payment
Latest version.

(a) A claim for payment for destruction of poultry, carcasses or parts thereof, eggs, products, or articles must be presented to the Director of the Task Force before payment will be made. The claimant must state whether the items for which payment is requested are, or are not, subject to a mortgage, lien, or other security or beneficial interest held by any person other than the claimant. If the claimant is the owner and states that there is no mortgage, lien, or other such interest on the items, payment will be made to the owner. If the claimant states that there is a mortgage, lien, or other such interest, a VS form 1-23 shall be signed by the claimant and by each person holding a mortgage, lien, or other such interest on the items, consenting to the payment of any indemnity allowed to the person specified thereon and payment will be made to such person. All payments are dependent upon the availability of funds appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for the payment of compensation pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 22-326c.

(b) No payment shall be made unless all conditions for release of quarantine in Section 22-324-10c and 22-324-11, and Sections 22-326c-1 and 22-326c-2 of these regulations are met.

(Effective June 25, 1986)