Sec.21a-58-36. Lactose reduced ice milk: identity; label statement  

Latest version.
  • (a) Description. Lactose reduced ice milk is the product resulting from the treatment of ice milk, as defined in Section 21a-58-16, by the addition of safe and suitable enzyme(s) to convert sufficient amounts of lactose to glucose and galactose, so that the remaining lactose is 30 per cent or less than lactose in ice milk.

    (b) The name of the food is "lactose reduced ice milk."

    (c) The label on lactose reduced ice milk, in addition to all other required information, shall contain a complete list of ingredients in accordance with the provisions of 21 CFR 101.4, and contain nutrition information as required by 21 CFR 101.9.

    (d) Wherever the name of the food appears on the container, the words "lactose reduced" shall be in the same type, style and size and in the same color and contrasting background as the words "ice milk."

(Effective July 27, 1984)