SubTitle17-31kk-1_17-31kk-7. Assistance to Homeless Persons with AIDS Pilot Program  

Sec. 17-31kk-1. Definitions
Latest version.

(a) AIDS patients are persons who have acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

(b) Application means the document whose requirements are described in Sections 6 and 7 of this regulation.

(c) ARC patients are persons who have an AIDS related complex.

(d) Commissioner means the Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources.

(e) Department means the Department of Human Resources.

(f) Financial assistance means funds granted by the Department of Human Resources to an eligible, non-profit corporation to assist in the cost of planning the development of housing, acquiring property to be used for housing, repairing, rehabilitating, constructing, and operating housing for AIDS and/or ARC patients.

(g) Housing means a structure to be used as a primary residence for homeless persons suffering from AIDS and/or ARC, who wish to remain independent.

(h) Initial inquiry means the information requested in Section 2 of this regulation.

(i) Non-profit corporation means a non-profit corporation as defined in Connecticut General Statutes, Section 8-39 that has received IRS 501 (c) (3) status, and which plans to provide housing described in Section 1 (g) of this regulation.

(Effective August 9, 1988)

Sec. 17-31kk-2. Initial inquiry and determination of eligibility
Latest version.

An eligible non-profit corporation may apply to the Department for financial assistance by submitting the following data which comprises the initial inquiry:

(a) A copy of the corporation by-laws;

(b) A plan which indicates how, and to what extent, resources of existing social service agencies are to be utilized in the program;

(c) Information that indicates the applicant has the managerial and administrative capability to undertake and successfully complete a physical development project;

(d) A funding request that is limited to the following eligible costs:

(1) planning for housing development;

(2) acquisition of property for housing;

(3) construction, rehabilitation or repair of housing;

(4) operation of housing (includes maintenance, utilities cost).

(e) Evidence of adequate financial resources for completion of housing to the Certificate of Occupancy;

(f) Evidence of adequate financial resources and strategic planning to maintain the operational status of the program for a period of ten (10) years.

(Effective August 9, 1988)

Sec. 17-31kk-3. Review and application processing
Latest version.

(a) The Department shall review the initial application for conformity to the information requested in Section 2 above and, subject to the availability of program funds, shall invite the applicant to submit an application whose requirements are described in Sections 6 and 7.

(b) Upon receipt, the Department shall review the formal application and any accompanying plans and specifications. Primary responsibility for all information forwarded to the Department rests with the applicant.

(c) Subsequent to the resolution of any questions between the Department and the applicant, and upon determination that the application meets all the required criteria, such application shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the State Bond Commission with a recommendation that it be placed on its monthly agenda for review and a decision.

(d) If the application is approved by the State Bond Commission, the Department shall notify the applicant to proceed with the construction bid process. The applicant shall then notify the Department of the scheduled date for bid openings. For projects less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), three (3) estimates may, at the discretion of the Commissioner, be submitted from independent contractors in lieu of a formal bid process.

(e) Subsequent to a bid opening, the applicant shall submit to the Department:

(1) An affidavit of publication, or copy of the bid advertisement;

(2) A copy of each bid submitted;

(3) A copy of all bid bonds or certified checks.

(Effective August 9, 1988)

Sec. 17-31kk-4. Execution of project
Latest version.

(a) The applicant shall notify the Department of the date and time of the construction contract signing. Subsequent to the contract signing, the applicant shall submit to the Department:

(1) one copy of the executed Contract;

(2) one copy of the Corporation Certificate;

(3) one copy of each: Performance Bond, and Labor and Material Payment Bond; for projects less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), this provision may be waived at the discretion of the Commissioner.

(4) one copy of Power of Attorney;

(5) one copy of Certificate of Insurance.

(b) The applicant shall notify the Department of the groundbreaking and subsequent work schedule.

(c) The applicant shall notify the Department as soon as it is evident construction delays may require a budget extension.

(d) All change order requests must be submitted to the Department for prior approval.

(Effective August 9, 1988)

Sec. 17-31kk-5. Project financing
Latest version.

(a) The applicant shall submit a first payment request with the formal application, and shall submit, on forms approved by the Department, financial reports in duplicate with the second payment request and with each payment request thereafter, and upon completion of the project.

(b) Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with the Department's Manual for Grantee Accounting. These records, together with the financial reports submitted to the Department, shall provide a basis for a final independent audit.

(c) The final payment shall be made (1) after the applicant has obtained a Certificate of Occupancy for the project; (2) financial reports based on the completed program are submitted; (3) a final inspection of the facility has been made by Department staff; and (4) a Certificate of Termination, based on an independent audit supplied by the applicant, has been issued by the Department.

(Effective August 9, 1988)

Sec. 17-31kk-6. Planning the AIDS/ARC housing
Latest version.

The application for financial assistance shall address two components, (1) the physical development of the facility and (2) the program operation plan. Planning results for each of these components shall be reflected in the narrative submitted with the Program Design and Financing Plan forms supplied by the Department and shall include:

(a) Physical Development Planning.

(1) Evidence of applicant ownership of land and/or building; include any deed restrictions and/or special conditions;

(2) Confirmation of zoning compliance for projected use, including description of public transportation access;

(3) Map showing site boundaries prepared by registered engineer/architect of land to be purchased;

(4) Two (2) independent appraisals for land and/or building purchase;

(5) One (1) copy of architectural plans and specifications for construction of building, or renovation costs of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) or more; one (1) copy of preliminary drawings if costs are less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000);

(6) Certification that property will meet building, health and fire codes when renovated.

(7) Architect's or applicant's estimate of complete project costs.

(b) Program Planning for the Operation of the Housing:

(1) Description of need for the program;

(2) Description of population to be served;

(3) Description of method of selection of residents of facility;

(4) Living arrangements for residents;

(5) Orientation process for residents, including tenant contract;

(6) House rules, including any infraction penalties;

(7) Rental fees, including any sliding fee scale;

(8) Assurance of applicant's intent and liability to comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations pertaining to the operation of this type of facility;

(9) Table of organization which demonstrates administration, oversight and staffing of residential program.

(Effective August 9, 1988)

Sec. 17-31kk-7. Applicant check list for grant application submission
Latest version.

The application submission shall include the following data for each of the components:

(a) The Physical Development Component:

(1) Two (2) copies of Certified Resolution of Applicant, each with seal and original signature.

(2) Two originally signed copies of the facility Program Design and Financing Plan, which form is supplied by the Department and includes information requested in Section 6 (a) Physical Development Planning;

(3) A statement that (A) establishes clear lines of responsibility for development of the physical facility; (B) designates qualified personnel to coordinate the physical and programmatic aspects of the project and act as liaison for the applicant as needed and to monitor construction and contract compliance; and (C) assigns an administrator of fiscal records and accounting for the project. The number of personnel required for this phase of the project shall depend on its extent and complexity, and can be negotiated with the Department.

(b) The Program Operation Component:

(1) One (1) original and four (4) copies of the Certified Resolution of Applicant.

(2) Two (2) originally signed copies of Page 1 of the Grant Action/Program Design and Financing Plan, which is supplied by the Department.

(3) One (1) original and four (4) copies of Pages 2–8, Program Budget of the Grant Action/Program Design and Financing Plan, and a copy of the Program Plan narrative, on a form supplied by the Department that includes information requested in Section 6 (b), Program Planning for the Operation of the Housing.

(4) A plan that (A) indicates continuous operational funding and management capability; (B) contains estimate of projected annual costs for personnel and operation of facility; and (C) cites specific public/private sources of financial support, with documentation.

(Effective August 9, 1988)