Sec.13b-96-31. Trip records  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each certificate holder shall at all times keep a separate record of all taxicabs operating under its authority, written or in computer format, which shows the vehicle identification number, operator license number, identity of the driver and the hours of operating said vehicle.

    (b) All certificate holders shall require each taxicab driver to keep a daily driver trip record on the prescribed form and to submit completed trip records to the certificate holder on a daily basis. The certificate holder may maintain such records in computer format consistent will all provisions of this section.

    (c) The certificate holder shall maintain the daily driver trip records, in complete detail, on an 8½ by 11 inch sheet in the format as prescribed as follows (Not To Scale) or other form as authorized and approved in writing by the commissioner.


    (d) All certificate holders shall require each taxicab driver to sign all driver trip records certifying the accuracy of the information contained therein.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)