SubTitle13b-96-1_13b-96-51. Taxicab Rules of Operation  

Sec. 13b-96-1. Definitions
Latest version.

As used in sections 13b-96-1 to 13b-96-51, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies:

(1) "Applicant" means applicant as defined in section 13b-17-101a(3) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;

(2) "Applications" means all forms of proposals, requests, applications or petitions of whatever nature that are filed with the commissioner, as enumerated in sections 13b-17a-100 to 13b-17a-152a, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;

(3) "Certificate" means the authority granted to operate a taxicab;

(4) "Certificate holder" means any person, partnership, corporation or limited liability company (LLC) who has been granted a taxicab certificate by the commissioner;

(5) "Citation" means citation as defined in section 13b-17-101a(7) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;

(6) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Transportation or the Commissioner's designee;

(7) "Department" means the Department of Transportation;

(8) "Discontinuation of service" means the cessation of all taxicab service;

(9) "Dispatch service" or "Communication system" means a communication system, through two-way radio or cellular telephone, by which a certificate holder or the general public shall reach all taxicabs in service operating under the certificate number;

(10) "Driver comment card" means the comment card which each certificate holder shall provide in every taxicab on the prescribed form;

(11) "Driver identification card" means the identification card which each certificate holder is to provide on the prescribed form;

(12) "Driver list" means the permanent record of driver information, which each certificate holder is required to maintain;

(13) "Drop rate" means the initial charge incurred when a trip meter is turned on at the start of a taxicab trip;

(14) "In service" means a taxicab on duty and available for immediate transportation of passengers upon solicitation;

(15) "Interruption of service" means a reduction in the number of hours a taxicab service is operated or in the number of vehicles needed to be in service to meet the public demand;

(16) "Metered rates of fare" means those rates of fare which are calculated by use of a taxi meter, which are based upon a combination of either time or time or distance where the distance is less than fifteen miles per the Official Mileage Guide;

(17) "Metered service" means taxicab service where a rate of fare is calculated based on the metered rate of fare;

(18) "Official Mileage Guide" means the Official Mileage Guide as published under PUC Docket No. 6770-A, and revisions thereof, which specifies the distances between towns in the state of Connecticut;

(19) "Operator" means the licensed driver of a taxicab;

(20) "Over fifteen mile rate of fare" means those rates of fare which apply to taxicab trips between points which are fifteen miles or more distant within or to or from a certificate holder's territory and are applied as flat rates of fare per mile based solely upon the distances published in the Official Mileage Guide;

(21) "Over fifteen mile service" means taxicab service where the rate of fare is calculated by the certificate holder's fifteen miles or greater rate of fare;

(22) "Public transportation terminal" means any facility associated with scheduled passengers including, but not limited to, a railroad station, ferry boat dock, airport or bus terminal (not bus stop) which is served by regulated, licensed providers of those modes of passenger transportation;

(23) "Service animal" means any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items;

(24) "Shared ride rate of fare" means the rate of fare which the certificate holder is required to publish after approval by the commissioner, which is applied when two or more passengers of different parties travel in one taxicab to the same or different destinations, at per capita flat rates of fare, as specified for each town;

(25) "Tariff" means a schedule of rates of fare on file with the commissioner;

(26) "Taxicab" or "Taxi" means any motor vehicle as defined in section 13b-95 of the Connecticut General Statutes;

(27) "Taxicab certificate" means the certificate issued by the commissioner which authorizes the operation of a taxicab as defined under section 13b-95 of the Connecticut General Statutes;

(28) "Taxicab driver" or "Driver" means any person who operates a taxicab, which is registered under a certificate holder;

(29) "Taxi light" or "Dome light" means an exterior roof light which displays the word "TAXI" in bold letters, not less than three inches high;

(30) "Taxi meter" or "Meter" means an instrument or device designed for the purpose of mechanically or electronically calculating and displaying the rates of fare for taxicab service based upon the drop rate of fare and the distance a passenger travels or a combination of the time and distance traveled while a taxicab is engaged in transporting passengers for hire;

(31) "Taxi rate decal" means the decal on which the rates of fare are listed for patrons traveling in either metered or over fifteen mile service;

(32) "Taxi territory" means the town or towns in which a taxicab certificate holder is specifically authorized to operate, which is specified in its certificate;

(33) "Taxi trip receipt" means the form required to be provided to all passengers, upon their request after each trip, by the taxicab driver for the purpose of acknowledging payment of fares;

(34) "Telephone service" means an established telephone number by which the public can access taxicab service;

(35) "Temporary authority" means the temporary authority granted by the commissioner pursuant to section 13b-97a of the Connecticut General Statutes;

(36) "Time rate" means the rate of fare assessed for use of the taxicab based upon an element of time;

(37) "Travel rate" means the rate of fare assessed on the taximeter for the use of taxicabs based upon an element of distance;

(38) "Trip record" means the record, which each certificate holder is to provide in the prescribed form, on which each driver is required to list certain data for each trip performed; and

(39) "Vehicle markings" means the interior or exterior markings required to be displayed on every vehicle operated in taxicab service.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-2. Applicability, purpose and construction
Latest version.

(a) The commissioner, pursuant to section 13b-96 of the Connecticut General Statutes, has jurisdiction to regulate the operation of taxicabs in the State of Connecticut and thus herein prescribes and establishes reasonable regulations with respect to fares, service, operation and equipment as necessary for the convenience, protection and safety of passengers and the public.

(b) Sections 13b-96-1 to 13b-96-51, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, shall apply on and after the effective date to all matters within the jurisdiction of the commissioner pursuant to section 13b-97 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-3. Application requirements
Latest version.

Every application for a taxicab certificate shall be in writing, signed and sworn by the applicant, filed with and on a form provided by the commissioner, containing the following information:

(1) The name and address of the applicant and the proposed Connecticut business address;

(2) The town or towns in which taxicab service is requested;

(3) A brief description of the make, model, year, seating capacity, safety equipment, vehicle numbers and markings of the proposed vehicle(s) to be used;

(4) A single trade name if the applicant intends to operate under one;

(5) The applicant's management/business plan for implementation of the proposed service, including but not limited to vehicle inspection and maintenance, a system for handling accident reports, insurance coverage and a communication system;

(6) The applicant's proposed hours and days of operation;

(7) The applicant's proposed rates of fare;

(8) A statement of all present and prior transportation business activities of the applicant for the five (5) years preceding the application;

(9) Conviction of the applicant under federal or state laws relative to motor vehicle or criminal violations;

(10) Two (2) credit references including at least one financial institution where the applicant maintains an active bank account in the name of the proposed business;

(11) The application fee as enumerated in section 13b-97(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes;

(12) A financial statement of the applicant's current financial resources in the name of the applicant and other information as shall be required by the commissioner; and

(13) For sale and transfer applications only, a statement disclosing the terms and conditions of the proposed transfer or sale, including the amount of compensation which has been paid or is payable to the seller or transferor and any other consideration given or to be given to the seller or transferor in connection with the transfer of the certificate. In lieu of the requirements of this paragraph, the applicant for sale or transfer of the certificate shall submit a notarized copy of the purchase contract, which contains all information, requested herein.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-4. Knowledge of regulations
Latest version.

Each applicant, certificate holder and driver shall be fully knowledgeable regarding the motor vehicle laws of the state of Connecticut and the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies concerning operation of a taxicab.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-5. Notification of criminal record
Latest version.

(a) The applicant shall disclose to the commissioner convictions for any violation of any state or federal statute on the prescribed form. The applicant shall also furnish information of any convictions of motor vehicle violations within the last five years (5) preceding the date of the application.

(b) Every applicant who applies for new or additional authority or territory shall submit an updated State Police Bureau of Identification Criminal Conviction Information Request for each application filed if the last submission is more than two (2) years old.

(c) Any applicant, certificate holder or taxicab driver shall provide an independent criminal record and driving record search at the request of the commissioner.

(d) Each certificate holder shall submit an updated criminal history conviction information form every three (3) years by March 31 of every third year following the initial filing.

(e) Each certificate holder shall submit to the commissioner an updated State Police Bureau of Identification Criminal History Conviction Information Request within thirty (30) days after the certificate holder has been convicted of any crime.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-6. Misrepresentation
Latest version.

(a) No certificate shall be granted to any applicant who makes a false statement or representation to the commissioner in its application.

(b) Any certificate granted under misrepresentation as stated in subsection (a) of this section is subject to civil penalties and sanctions enumerated in section 13b-96-51 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-7. Suitability requirement
Latest version.

(a) In addition to meeting the suitability criteria as defined in section 13b-97 of the Connecticut General Statutes, no certificate shall be issued to any person or members of an association or limited liability company or officer of a corporation, who has a conviction for a serious criminal offense as follows:

Conviction of a felony involving drugs, firearms, sexual misconduct or a potential threat of harm to persons pursuant to section 53a-1 to 53a-296, inclusive, of the Connecticut General Statutes, within a ten (10) year period, shall be considered conviction of a serious criminal offense, except that the commissioner may waive the provisions of this paragraph for good cause shown.

(b) No certificate holder shall allow a driver under his certificate to operate a taxicab if the driver has been convicted of a serious criminal offense as follows:

Conviction of a felony involving drugs, firearms, sexual misconduct or a potential threat of harm to persons pursuant to sections 53a-1 to 53a-296, inclusive, of the Connecticut General Statutes, within a ten (10) year period, shall be considered conviction of a serious criminal offense, except that the commissioner may waive the provisions of this paragraph for good cause shown.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-8. Expedited application process
Latest version.

(a) A certificate holder may apply for one (1) additional taxicab in the existing territory without a hearing under an expedited application process.

(b) The commissioner shall perform an analysis to determine if the certificate holder has sufficient evidence to merit the increase in authority without a hearing. The following information shall be analyzed:

(1) Trip records for the four (4) months immediately prior to the application filing date which show utilization of the current fleet;

(2) Record of calls, which are refused or referred by the certificate holder to another authorized taxicab provider; and

(3) Other information presented by the certificate holder to prove the need for additional authority.

(c) Upon completion by the commissioner of its analysis, a Determination shall be made as to whether the additional authority shall be granted. If the certificate holder is not satisfied with the commissioner's determination, the certificate holder may request a hearing to prove additional need.

(d) The expedited application process shall not be utilized within one (1) year from the date of the initial licensing of a certificate holder nor more than once every two (2) years thereafter from the date of the last written final decision or order.

(e) The expedited application process shall not be utilized by any certificate holder who has a current contract with Bradley International Airport to provide taxicab service in the queue line.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-9. Temporary authority
Latest version.

Temporary authority may be granted, pursuant to section 13b-97a of the Connecticut General Statutes, in the event of work stoppage, strike or at any time it has been proven through hearing that there are no certificate holders in the area which are able to meet the public demand for taxicab service.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-10. Proof required at hearing
Latest version.

In a hearing on an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity, the applicant shall present its case at a public hearing and shall have the burden of proving the following:

(a) Public convenience and necessity requires the operation of a taxicab or taxicabs for transportation of passengers. Public convenience and necessity shall include, but is not limited to, showing:

(1) The availability of qualified taxicab operators in the area; and

(2) The number of taxicabs requested is justified given the need.

(b) The applicant shall prove suitability to run the proposed business. Proof of suitability may include, but is not limited to:

(1) Business acumen of the applicant or management;

(2) Experience in the transportation field or in a service related field;

(3) Provision of a business plan, which includes marketing;

(4) The demonstration of a willingness and ability of the applicant to conform to the requirements of section 13b-99(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes and the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies; and

(5) Any convictions of the applicant under federal, state or local laws relative to safety, motor vehicle or criminal violations.

(c) Financial suitability to operate the proposed business for the initial start up period based on the applicant's business plan. Proof of financial suitability to operate the proposed business may include, but is not limited to:

(1) Showing of sufficient assets to operate the taxicab service;

(2) Vehicles in compliance with the requirements of section 13b-99(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes and Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;

(3) Adequacy of insurance coverage and safety equipment;

(4) Taxi meters for each vehicle; and

(5) A functioning communication system.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-11. Proper conduct
Latest version.

(a) No certificate holder, taxicab driver or employee shall verbally threaten or attempt to intimidate any state employee or official for actions taken in the enforcement of the laws of the state of Connecticut.

(b) Certificate holders and drivers shall, at all times, cooperate with law enforcement officers and authorized representatives of the commissioner, and shall comply with all reasonable requests, including but not limited to giving their name, the company name, their driver's license number and exhibiting trip sheets or other documents in their possession.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-12. Business address and mail
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall maintain a state of Connecticut business address.

(b) Each certificate holder shall notify the commissioner, in writing, within three (3) business days, of any change in the business address.

(c) The certificate holder shall be deemed to have received any communication, notice or summons which has been mailed in a postpaid envelope and addressed to the mailing address, which is on file with the commissioner.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-13. Filing of trade name
Latest version.

A certificate holder shall not operate under a trade name until a certified copy of "Adoption of Certificate of Trade Name" has been filed with the commissioner and the certificate has been reissued reflecting such trade name.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-14. Business to be conducted under a single name
Latest version.

A certificate holder shall conduct the business of any single taxicab certificate under only one single name as listed in its taxicab certificate, or one single trade name if said trade name certificate is filed in accordance with section 35-1 of the Connecticut General Statutes and section 13b-96-13 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-15. Unapproved trade names and designs
Latest version.

No taxicab or advertisement shall appear with a trade name, design, color scheme or method of painting and lettering that is unapproved by the commissioner for the vehicle concerned or that does not meet the specification enumerated in section 13b-96-44 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-16. Limits of operating authority
Latest version.

(a) A certificate holder may transport passengers between all points within its authorized territory.

(b) A certificate holder may transport passengers from any point within their taxicab territory to any point outside said territory or from a point outside their territory back to a point within their authorized territory.

(c) A certificate holder or driver shall not transport passengers between one point outside of their territory to another point outside of their territory.

(d) Notwithstanding subsection (b) and (c) of this section, the provisions of section 13b-97 of the Connecticut General Statutes shall govern operation of taxicabs at Bradley International Airport.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-17. Number of taxicabs operated
Latest version.

No certificate holder shall operate a number of taxicabs greater than the number authorized in their taxicab certificate.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-18. Hours of operation
Latest version.

(a) Each taxicab company shall operate on a twenty-four (24) hour basis, every day of the year, unless otherwise approved by the commissioner.

(b) Each certificate holder is required to adequately plan for and meet the demand for taxicab transportation in their authorized territory.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-19. Communication and dispatch services
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall obtain and advertise a telephone number in the name of the company by which the public may call to request service.

(b) Each certificate holder operating more than one taxicab company shall dispatch only that company requested by the patron, unless the patron agrees to receive service from another company.

(c) Each certificate holder shall maintain a dispatch service.

(d) Each certificate holder shall operate its telephone service twenty-four (24) hours a day, unless otherwise authorized by the commissioner.

(e) The following information shall be communicated to each patron upon solicitation for service:

(1) taxicab availability;

(2) estimated time of arrival; and

(3) approximate cost of the fare for trips over fifteen miles or upon request.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-20. Interruption of service
Latest version.

Any certificate holder who is unable to operate their authorized schedule of hours shall notify the commissioner in writing within twenty-four (24) hours of the interruption and state the reason.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-21. Discontinuation of service
Latest version.

Any certificate holder who desires to discontinue the service of all of their taxicabs may do so, for a period of not more than fourteen (14) days, upon notification and approval of the commissioner. If the taxicabs discontinued from service are not reinstated in service at the expiration of such fourteen (14) day period, the authority to operate those taxicabs shall be subject to suspension, revocation or the imposition of a civil penalty.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-22. Registration and insurance
Latest version.

An annual review of all taxicabs registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles shall take place. During said review, any certificate holder who does not register the number of taxicabs authorized under its certificate by March 31 of each year, unless approved by the commissioner, shall be subject to suspension, revocation or the imposition of a civil penalty.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-23. Solicitation prohibited
Latest version.

(a) No certificate holder shall solicit or permit the solicitation of potential passengers at a facility served by a designated taxicab stand except as authorized and directed by the operator of the facility.

(b) A driver shall solicit passengers within ten feet of the taxicab and only with the words "taxi", "cab" or "taxicab".

(c) A driver shall not use a person, other than an authorized employee of the facility, to solicit a passenger, or to suggest to a passenger that an additional person be accepted as a passenger unless in a shared ride zone.

(d) A driver shall not induce the hire of the taxicab by giving misleading information, including but not limited to, erroneous fare information, the times of arrival and departure of transportation facilities, the location of a building or place or the distance between two points.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-24. Order of service
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder and taxicab driver shall accommodate passengers in the order of their request for service.

(b) Passengers engaging a taxicab service shall have the right to exclusive use of the vehicle.

(c) No certificate holder or taxi driver shall refuse to accommodate passengers based on length of trip for service.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-25. Shared rides
Latest version.

(a) Where a certificate holder is authorized by the commissioner to operate a shared-ride system to allow several passengers to share a taxicab to destinations within a shared-ride zone, a taxicab driver shall not deny a passenger's right to refuse to share the vehicle with others.

(b) Where a certificate holder is not authorized to provide a shared ride and the taxicab is shared by more than one passenger, the metered rate shall be subject to mutual arrangement among the passengers.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-26. Refusal to pick-up a passenger
Latest version.

(a) No certificate holder or taxicab driver shall refuse or neglect to transport to and from any place within its authorized service area any orderly person requesting service regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, age, marital status or handicap who is willing and able to pay the prescribed fare.

(b) No certificate holder or taxicab driver shall refuse taxicab service to a patron with a service animal.

(c) A hailed taxicab driver shall not seek to ascertain the destination of a passenger before such passenger is seated in the taxicab.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-27. Unlawful operation of a taxicab
Latest version.

No certificate holder or taxicab driver shall:

(1) Knowingly permit the operation of unlawful activities in a taxicab.

(2) Take a passenger to his destination by other than the shortest possible route unless the passenger requests a different route, or unless the driver proposes a faster alternative route to which the passenger agrees. The driver shall comply with all reasonable and lawful routing requests of the passenger.

(3) Permit a non-fare paying passenger to occupy a taxicab, while engaged in business or seeking business. This section shall not apply to a company or authorized official riding in such vehicle.

(4) Permit or authorize any person to operate a taxicab unless that person is properly licensed in accordance with section 14-44 of the Connecticut General Statutes and has obtained a driver's identification card in accordance with section 13b-96-32 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(5) Permit the driver of a taxicab to work a shift longer than twelve (12) hours or longer than sixteen (16) hours within a twenty-four (24) hour consecutive period.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-28. Qualification and instruction of drivers
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall require that all taxicab drivers that operate a taxicab under its certificate shall effectively communicate with the patrons and properly comply with all record keeping requirements.

(b) Each taxicab certificate holder shall ensure that all taxicab drivers operating a taxicab under the holder's certificate comply with the following:

(1) Driver's clothing shall be clean and in good repair. Drivers shall wear long pants or skirts, shirts with sleeves and shoes. Drivers shall be hygienically clean, clean shaven except a beard or mustache may be worn if groomed and neatly trimmed;

(2) Drivers shall not use abusive language, be discourteous to passengers, solicit gratuities or engage in smoking without passenger consent;

(3) Drivers shall maintain a current map of taxi territory and be geographically familiar with the service area and the state of Connecticut;

(4) Upon request of a passenger, the driver shall load or unload a passenger's luggage, wheelchair, crutches or other property in or from the taxicab's interior or trunk compartment and shall secure such compartment;

(5) Drivers shall comply with all reasonable requests of the passenger, including but not limited to giving, upon request, their name, taxicab number and company name;

(6) Air conditioning and heat in a taxicab should be turned on or off at the direction of the passenger; and

(7) Each certificate holder shall obtain any prospective driver's driving record for the preceding three (3) years.

(c) Each certificate holder shall, at least once every twelve (12) months, review the driving record of each driver to determine whether that driver is qualified to drive a taxicab.

(d) Each certificate holder shall require that its drivers continue to meet minimum physical standards pursuant to section 14-44-1 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-29. Driver notification of conviction or suspension
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall require that all drivers give notification to said certificate holder, of all violations of federal, state or local laws relating to criminal, safety or motor vehicle violations. The driver's notification shall be made to the certificate holder within three (3) days after the date the driver has been convicted of a violation.

(b) Each certificate holder shall require that all drivers give notification to said certificate holder of any revocation, suspension, cancellation or disqualification of the driver's operator license, endorsement or permit or the right or privilege to drive for any period. The driver's notification to the certificate holder shall be made before the end of the business day following the day the driver received such notice.

(c) Each certificate holder shall require each driver to notify said certificate holder within three (3) days of the driver's arrest, conviction or administrative sanction as a result of any of the following offenses:

(1) Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs as defined in section 14-227a of the Connecticut General Statutes, or a similar statute in another jurisdiction;

(2) Refusal to submit or failure to submit to a chemical test as defined in section 14-227b of the Connecticut General Statutes, or a similar statute in another jurisdiction;

(3) Leaving the scene of an accident or evasion of responsibility in operating a motor vehicle as defined by section 14-224(a) or section 12-224(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes or a similar statute in another jurisdiction;

(4) A felony involving the use of a motor vehicle; in violation of the Connecticut General Statutes or a similar statute in another jurisdiction.

(5) A felony or misdemeanor involving rape or sexual assault as provided in sections 53a-70, 53a-70b, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b, or 53a-73a of the Connecticut General Statutes, or a similar statute in another jurisdiction;

(6) A felony involving force or threat of force against a person in violation of the Connecticut General Statutes or a similar statute in another jurisdiction; or

(7) A felony or misdemeanor involving firearms, drugs or controlled substances, in violation of the Connecticut General Statutes or a similar statute in another jurisdiction.

(d) No certificate holder shall utilize a taxicab operator who has been convicted of a serious criminal offense as defined in section 13b-96-7 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-30. Examination of business records
Latest version.

(a) Any and all books, trip records, vouchers, memoranda and other documents relating to the business, whether in hard copy or on computer format, shall be made readily available for examination and reproduction by the commissioner or the commissioner's representatives, within three (3) business days of such request. All such documents shall be retained for not less than twenty-four (24) months at the certificate holder's Connecticut business address.

(b) Each certificate holder shall maintain records of all the revenues and expenses of the taxicab business in sufficient detail to facilitate the verification of the accuracy of those items.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-31. Trip records
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall at all times keep a separate record of all taxicabs operating under its authority, written or in computer format, which shows the vehicle identification number, operator license number, identity of the driver and the hours of operating said vehicle.

(b) All certificate holders shall require each taxicab driver to keep a daily driver trip record on the prescribed form and to submit completed trip records to the certificate holder on a daily basis. The certificate holder may maintain such records in computer format consistent will all provisions of this section.

(c) The certificate holder shall maintain the daily driver trip records, in complete detail, on an 8½ by 11 inch sheet in the format as prescribed as follows (Not To Scale) or other form as authorized and approved in writing by the commissioner.


(d) All certificate holders shall require each taxicab driver to sign all driver trip records certifying the accuracy of the information contained therein.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-32. Driver identification card & driver comment card
Latest version.

(a) A taxicab driver shall not operate a taxicab without first obtaining a driver identification card from the certificate holder, with the following specifications:

(1) Printed on white card stock with a clear plastic coating measuring approximately four (4) inches high by six (6) inches long;

(2) Company name and taxicab certificate number boldly imprinted in ⅜ inch letters;

(3) A clear color photograph of the driver from the shoulder to top of head taken within twelve (12) months from the issuance date shown on the card; and

(4) The driver’s public service number clearly listed.

(b) Each certificate holder shall have clearly displayed at all times, in a place visible to the passengers of the taxicab, the identification card, in good order and condition, issued to the driver. Said identification card shall be dated and valid for the effective period of the Public Passenger Transportation Permit issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles.


(c) Each motor vehicle operated in taxicab service shall have a laminated driver comment card attached to the driver’s headrest, boldly imprinted with ⅜ inch letters, with the following information:


(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-33. Driver list
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall maintain a record for each taxicab driver entitled "Driver List". Said record shall list the following:

(1) Driver's first, middle and last (sir) name;

(2) Date and place of birth;

(3) A photocopy of the driver's public service license which authorizes the operation of a taxicab;

(4) A color photo of the driver exactly as it appears on the driver I.D. card;

(5) Date first employed as a driver in taxicab service or contracted as an independent contractor; and

(6) Date a driver is discharged.

(b) These records shall be maintained for two (2) years from the date of discharge of the driver.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-34. Lost articles
Latest version.

Each certificate holder shall require all taxicab drivers to report any article or personal property found in the taxicab. A record shall be kept to show the time, date and description of each article found and the vehicle registration plate number in which the property is found. A reasonable effort to return said property shall be made by the certificate holder within seven (7) days of finding said property.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-35. Sale or transfer of taxicab certificate
Latest version.

(a) No certificate holder shall sell or transfer any or all of the certificate holder's interest in a certificate to another without prior approval by the commissioner.

(b) The following conditions shall be met to effectuate a sale or transfer:

(1) The prescribed forms for the sale or transfer of a certificate shall have been completed and filed with the commissioner;

(2) The buyer/transferee or seller/transferor shall furnish a copy of the sales agreement to the commissioner prior to a sale and transfer;

(3) The seller or transferor shall demonstrate that all of the taxicabs operated under the taxicab certificate being transferred have been in service for the immediate six (6) months prior to sale or transfer or has obtained prior approval by the commissioner to suspend service for cause determined at hearing;

(4) The transferor or seller shall demonstrate that each taxicab authorized under the certificate has been in operation for two (2) continuous years after the date of authorization in the final decision;

(5) The transferee or buyer shall demonstrate their financially suitability to transport passengers in taxicab service in accordance with section 13b-96-10(3) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(6) The transferee or buyer shall demonstrate their suitability to transport passengers in taxicab service in accordance with section 13b-96(2) of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(7) Any prior determination of suitability of the buyer or transferee made by the commissioner shall be taken into consideration when a sale and transfer application is filed.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-36. Governmental contract work
Latest version.

(a) The certificate holder's first obligation is to meet the public demand for taxicab service in the area, which is listed in its certificate.

(b) Work performed under contract for any federal, state or municipal agency shall not be considered in determining whether the public demand is being met in an application for other than governmental contract work.

(c) Each certificate holder shall upon annual registration produce a current executed governmental contract or extension thereof. Each contract shall specifically state the termination date of said contract and shall be dated when executed.

(d) The authorization granted pursuant to section 13b-97 of the Connecticut General Statutes shall be durational and shall only exist for the period of time the certificate holder has continuing contracts in effect with the governmental entity listed in its certificate.

(e) The authority granted pursuant to section 13b-97 of the Connecticut General Statutes relating to governmental contract work is not transferable and shall remain in effect until revoked or suspended by the department or until the governmental contract under which the authority was granted has expired.

(f) Failure to comply with the requirements of this section will subject the certificate holder to sanctions under section 13b-96-51 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-37. Setting rates of fare
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall maintain on file with the commissioner a tariff for taxicab service. The rate of fare charged to a passenger shall be the amount listed on the tariff. Said tariff shall not be altered without prior approval of the commissioner.

(b) A certificate holder or driver shall not charge or attempt to charge a fare above or below the approved rates.

(c) A certificate holder or driver shall collect or attempt to collect separate fares from individual passengers who have shared a taxicab as part of a shared ride program established by the commissioner.

(d) A driver shall give correct change to a passenger who has paid the fare.

(e) All rates and charges shall be posted within each vehicle on the taxi rate decal as prescribed by the commissioner, in clear view of the passengers on the left interior rear passenger window. The rates and charges posted shall be the rates and charges contained in the certificate holder’s tariff which has been approved by the commissioner. Said forms shall be printed on decals, measuring no less than four (4) inches high by six (6) inches wide and type set in one quarter (¼) inch clearly legible lettering; and shall list the required information in the following format (Not To Scale):


(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-38. Taxi meter
Latest version.

(a) No taxicab shall be operated for hire unless it has a properly functioning taxi meter installed and sealed in the vehicle by a duly authorized sealer of weights and measures from the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection or other authorized meter sealer. Such meters shall calculate fares based upon time and distance in accordance with the tariff of metered rates, last approved by the commissioner, for the taxicab territory in which the vehicle is authorized to operate.

(b) Taxi meters shall be installed so that the fare display is in clear view of the passengers and shall be illuminated to facilitate visibility.

(c) All rates of fare for trips performed by a taxicab shall be calculated on the taxi meter, unless otherwise authorized by section 13b-96-40 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(d) No certificate holder or taxicab driver shall allow the operation of a taxicab with a malfunctioning taxi meter. Malfunctions include, but are not limited to, improper or incorrect registration of mileage/time rate, or a broken seal.

(e) No certificate holder or taxicab driver shall allow the collection of fares in excess of the meter rate, show a rate on the meter when the taxicab is not transporting passengers or fail to use the taxi meter when transporting passengers except as authorized by the commissioner in section 13b-96-40 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies or as authorized by section 13b-97(d) of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(f) When a taxicab is in service, the taxi meter shall immediately be placed in the recording or "On" position and kept in that position until arrival at the final destination. Upon reaching the passenger's final destination, the driver shall place the taxi meter in the non-recording or "Off" position, inform the passenger of the fare due and leave the taxi meter in a non-recording position until the fare is paid. Immediately after the passenger leaves the taxicab, the driver shall clear the taxi meter, placing it in an "Off" position in which it shall remain until the next passenger enters the taxicab.

(g) If the taxi meter fails to operate correctly while the taxicab is in service with a passenger, where the meter is required to be operated, the passenger shall not be charged a fare for the trip.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-39. Taxi trip receipt
Latest version.

Each certificate holder shall provide all drivers with taxi trip receipt forms, preprinted with the taxicab company name, telephone number and certificate number, which are to be completed, signed and issued to passengers upon request. The taxi trip receipt shall include the following information:

(1) Date of service;

(2) Origin and destination of trip;

(3) Fare paid;

(4) Taxicab plate number; and

(5) Signature of driver.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-40. Over fifteen mile rate
Latest version.

(a) A request for service between points within, or to or from a certificate holder's territory which is fifteen miles or more distant therefrom, as determined by reference to the Official Mileage Guide, shall be performed at the rates and charges as published in the certificate holder's over fifteen mile rate of fare.

(b) All fares for over fifteen mile service shall be quoted to the passenger prior to the start of the trip.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-41. General construction and equipment requirements for vehicles in taxicab service
Latest version.

(a) All motor vehicles operated in taxicab service shall be of standard manufacture or, if modified in any way, meet all specifications for operation on Connecticut highways, in accordance with section 13b-99(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes and the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(b) No certificate holder or taxicab driver shall permit the operation of a taxicab unless it is equipped with the following:

(1) A light within the passenger compartment;

(2) A communication system capable of contacting each of its taxicabs in service;

(3) Passenger restraints in operable condition numbering no fewer than the maximum occupancy of the taxicab;

(4) A suitable holder for the driver identification card in a place where such card will be visible to the passengers at all times;

(5) All vehicles in taxicab service shall have an operable heating and air conditioning system;

(6) In van type vehicles and station wagons, a luggage barrier for containing luggage while the vehicle is in transit;

(7) A fire extinguisher of a type and size approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Said equipment shall be secured in an accessible location within the taxicab and maintained in serviceable condition;

(8) Upon request of any driver, an approved driver shield between the front and rear passenger compartments of the taxicab in those taxicabs authorized to serve any town listed in the certificate, with a population of 100,000 or more as listed in the most current Connecticut State Register and Manual; and

(9) an official mileage guide.

(c) No certificate holder shall permit the operation of any taxicab which is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person or property.

(d) No motor vehicle registered as a taxicab shall be used for any purpose other than as a taxicab, except taxicabs, which are used as private passenger motor vehicles in accordance with section 14-28 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-42. Age of taxicabs
Latest version.

Every motor vehicle initially registered for taxicab service after March 31, 2001, shall be no older than ten (10) model years of age as of March 1 of each year thereafter. Each motor vehicle that is re-registered for taxicab service after March 1, 2001 shall furnish proof of the last two semi-annual inspections performed pursuant to section 13b-99 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-43. Appearance of taxicabs
Latest version.

Each certificate holder and taxicab driver shall keep the appearance of each vehicle used in taxicab service in the following condition:

(a) Body:

(1) Clean appearance;

(2) Free of rust, cracks or other damage visible upon casual inspection;

(3) Paint in good condition. Touch up paint shall match existing paint and blend smoothly;

(4) Grills shall have a neat appearance;

(5) No torn, wrinkled, faded or missing lettering, striping or decals;

(6) Four hubcaps or manufactured wheel covers;

(7) No broken or cracked lights or lenses;

(8) All molding, mirrors and antennas shall be securely attached to the vehicle and in good condition; and

(9) Body of vehicle shall be in good condition with no holes and free of unapproved stickers and decals;

(b) Seats:

(1) Shall be firmly attached to the chassis;

(2) Clear of all materials, litter and debris;

(3) No exposed wire or sharp edges either from metal or vinyl;

(4) No broken springs or horizontal slippage;

(5) Upholstery shall be clean with no offensive odors; and

(6) Upholstery will have no holes or tears on all upholstered surfaces.

(c) Windows:

(1) No cracked or broken windows;

(2) Clean inside and out;

(3) Free of all stickers and decals except those required by the Connecticut General Statutes and Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;

(4) Shall be operable; and

(5) Shall be equipped with two operable windshield wipers, non-streaking blades and a functional windshield washing system.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-44. Identification of taxicabs
Latest version.

(a) Each and every vehicle authorized and placed in taxicab service within six (6) months after the implementation of these regulations shall be painted according to uniform color scheme chosen by the certificate holder. All of the motor vehicles operated as taxicabs in a certificate holder's fleet shall have one uniform lettering and color scheme. All certificate holders shall register the color scheme with the commissioner within six (6) months from the date of implementation of these regulations.

(b) Any certificate holder operating a taxicab pursuant to a certificate from the commissioner may adopt one trade name or design for each certificate subject to approval by the commissioner. Such trade name shall not reflect the name of a town or area not authorized under the certificate or resemble any other mode of transportation other than that of a taxicab service. Such trade name or design shall:

(1) Have a permanently affixed decal or be permanently painted on both sides of the vehicle; and

(2) Include the name of the certificate holder or trade name under which business is conducted.

(c) Every taxicab shall be equipped with an operating exterior taxicab dome light on the roof which shall be illuminated at all times when the vehicle is in service.

(d) All mandatory lettering, identification numbers and wording, whether in a particular trade name or design, as required by this section and approved by the commissioner, shall be not less than three (3) inches in size, shall be clearly identifiable and shall contrast distinctly with the body color of the taxicab.

(e) No vehicle operated as a taxicab shall have any advertisement placed in the interior or on the exterior window of the vehicle.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-45. Special specifications for sedan and station wagon type vehicle
Latest version.

(a) Each sedan type or station wagon type vehicle shall have a wheel base of not less than one hundred and five (105) inches, two (2) doors on each side of the vehicle and not more than one (1) passenger may occupy the front seat of the vehicle.

(b) All station wagons and suburban type vehicles shall have doors on each side of each seat, or shall have at least two (2) doors, one of which will be on each side of the vehicle. Suburban type vehicles shall have an unobstructed aisle of at least fourteen (14) inches in width leading from the door on the right-hand side of the vehicles to each passenger seat.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-46. Special specifications for van type vehicles
Latest version.

All van type vehicles used in taxicab service are to be a van type unit of standard specification as defined by the manufacturer, which meet all specifications for operation on Connecticut highways, as promulgated by the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles and shall include the following:

(a) Seats:

(1) Each van seat shall provide a minimum seating space of sixteen (16) inches per adult passenger and shall face forward;

(2) Van seats shall provide a minimum clearance at the knee level of twelve (12) inches from the front of the seat bottom to the back of the seat in front of it;

(3) No seat shall be allowed in any aisle or stepwell; and

(4) No van seat shall be located so that a passenger occupying such seat would be forward of the driver.

(b) Heaters:

All van type vehicles shall have a minimum of one high output type heater, located in an area to adequately heat and ventilate the entire passenger carrying space. Exhaust heaters shall not be used. Heating systems shall be designed to prevent fumes from entering the van body and all fuel line connections shall be located outside of the passenger compartment.

(c) Roll Bars:

In the event the roof of any van type vehicle in taxicab service is extended, installation of roll bars or roll cages shall be installed and submitted for inspection with certification attesting to roll-over capabilities of withstanding one and one-half (1½) times the curbed weight of the unloaded vehicle. Said certification shall be kept on file with the commissioner.

(d) Mirrors:

Each van type vehicle shall have a mirror which shows the van interior.

(e) Steps and Hand Rails:

(1) Passenger entry steps shall be provided and mounted on the right side of vehicle. When the entrance doors are closed, the steps shall be recessed under the body as close to the under frame as possible to provide maximum under-clearance. The steps shall be equipped with nonskid tread and contrasting color edge markers;

(2) Step wells are to be of either formed aluminum or corrosion resistant steel, with covered corners and adequate reinforcement to prevent deflection and shall measure the full length of the door openings; and

(3) Individual risers shall not exceed eight inches (8) in height, and in the case of more than one riser, all shall be the same height.

(f) Doors:

(1) All van type vehicles shall be equipped with doors on each side of the front seat(s). A side entrance door or doors in the passenger area shall be provided on both sides of the vehicle. These doors shall be of the hinged swing type or sliding type single door;

(2) The vehicles shall be equipped with a rear opening door or doors of the hinged type; and

(3) All doors are to be equipped with a signal to indicate to the operator when any door is unlatched or open.

(g) Interior:

(1) Interior step wells, floors and roof shall be paneled with suitable materials at least equal to that installed by the manufacturer; and

(2) The floor shall be equipped with a non-skid type surface. All aisles shall be kept free of obstructions of any type.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-47. Special specifications for wheelchair accessible vans
Latest version.

In addition to the requirements listed in section 13b-96-46 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, all wheelchair accessible, modified vans shall contain the following special requirements:

(a) Longitudinal Aisle and Headroom:

All wheelchair equipped, modified vans shall have minimum headroom of seventy-two (72) inches and a minimum aisle width of fourteen (14) inches.

(b) The rear door shall be permanently unobstructed.

(c) Each van type vehicle in taxicab service, authorized for the transportation of wheelchairs, shall also include a step well located at the front right side entrance of the vehicle.

(d) When a wheelchair lift is provided, a wheelchair lift light, which illuminates the lift device and the area outside the vehicle in front and to the side of the lift, shall be provided and shall operate automatically when the side doors are opened.

(e) Wheelchair Restraint System:

All van type wheelchair equipped vehicles shall also be equipped with wheelchair locking devices for each wheelchair authorized in the seating configuration. These locking devices shall be permanently affixed to the floor of the vehicle.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-48. Inspection required
Latest version.

No motor vehicle shall be placed in taxicab service until it has been inspected and approved for use as a taxicab by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. No taxicab shall remain in service until it has been re-inspected every six months in accordance with the provisions of section 13b-99(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes and sections 13b-99-1 through 13b-99-8 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-49. Vehicles to be inspected regularly
Latest version.

(a) Each certificate holder shall inspect each of their taxicabs at a minimum of once every three (3) months, to assure that it is properly maintained in a safe, clean, and sanitary condition. A written record of said inspections, including comments on the condition, defects and repairs made, shall be maintained at the Connecticut business address for not less than twenty-four (24) months.

(b) Any and all vehicles in taxicab service shall be subject to inspection, at the request of the commissioner, or the commissioner's employees and agents, for construction and equipment of said vehicle, including but not limited to brakes, tires, lights, suspension, steering, electrical systems and all other equipment used in taxicab service.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-50. Administrative enforcement
Latest version.

(a) Where there is reasonable cause to believe that a certificate holder or taxicab driver is violating or has violated the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes or the Regulations of the Connecticut State Agencies, the commissioner may initiate enforcement proceedings and schedule a citation hearing pursuant to section 4-182 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(b) The certificate holder shall be advised of the hearing in accordance with the requirements of section 4-179 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(c) Failure of the certificate holder or its authorized designee to appear at a hearing ordered by the commissioner shall result in the imposition of sanctions.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)

Sec. 13b-96-51. Civil penalties and sanctions
Latest version.

(a) When a certificate holder, or a driver who operates a taxicab under the holder's certificate, violates section 13b-96-1 to 13b-96-51, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the certificate holder shall be assessed a civil penalty and at the discretion of the commissioner, the certificate may be amended, suspended or revoked in accordance with section 13b-97(c) of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(b) Upon determination that a violation of section 13b-96-1 to 13b-96-51, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies has occurred, the commissioner shall notify the certificate holder in accordance with section 4-182 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(c) If the certificate holder fails to appear at the hearing, the hearing will be held and the commissioner will assess the appropriate civil penalties or sanctions.

(d) Failure to make timely payment of the imposed civil penalty, when due, may result in the immediate suspension, revocation or other sanction against the respondent's certificate.

(e) All civil penalties are assessed in accordance with section 13b-97(c) of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(Adopted effective November 3, 2000)