Sec.1-92-6d. Legal division  

Latest version.
  • The general counsel directs and supervises the legal division of the Office of State Ethics. The general counsel has the obligation to assist the executive director in fostering effective communication within the Office of State Ethics relative to the execution of his or her statutory duties and the impact of the legal division's activity on the agency as a whole. In the exercise of his or her duties and responsibilities, the general counsel is ultimately accountable, in accordance with chapter 67 of the Connecticut General Statutes, to the executive director for the quality of his or her work and that of the legal division. The general counsel's responsibilities consist of all those delineated by the Connecticut General Statutes and sections 1-81-1 to 1-81-39, inclusive and 1-92-1 to 1-92-61, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, and include providing the Citizen's Ethics Advisory Board with legal advice on matters before the board, and representing the board in all matters in which the board is a party, unless the board requests the Attorney General to provide assistance. The general counsel is responsible for the content of the draft advisory opinions provided to the board and any informal staff opinions issued by the legal division. Once it is final, the general counsel will promptly disseminate the advisory opinion or informal staff opinion to the requesting party. The general counsel is also responsible for the legal sufficiency of any proposed regulatory changes or amendments, the content of all legal advice given to the board, and the content of all legislative proposals submitted by the Office of State Ethics. In consultation with the executive director, the general counsel may testify before legislative committees regarding statutory reform and legislative proposals. The general counsel is responsible for the oversight of the Office of State Ethics' educational efforts, including the training of all state personnel in the Code of Ethics for Public Officials and public education regarding ethics. The general counsel works in consultation with the executive director regarding the administration of the educational programs and is responsible for the content of the educational materials produced by the Office of State Ethics. Under the direction of the general counsel, the legal division is responsible for the interpretation of statutes, caselaw, regulations, and prior advisory and staff opinions. The legal division provides written information and written and verbal opinions to persons subject to the Codes of Ethics and to the general public.

(Adopted effective January 2, 2008; Amended May 11, 2023)